Roman Mercury with caduceus wand; the goat hints of great-grandson (son), Pan [sim.Noah]
(see also: Emerald Tablets)
Sumerian [S]: Akkadian [AK] Babylonian [B] Assyrian [AS] Hittite [HT] Cassite [CS] (K:Shem) Persian [P] |
Egyptian [E] (K:Ham) |
Indian (Aryan-Hindu) [I]: (K:Japhet) |
Hebrew [H]: Canaanite [C] Amorite [AM] Phoenician [PH] (K:Shem) |
Minoan/Cretan: Greek [G] Roman [R] (D: Hittite) Celtic [CT] Norse [N] |
Chinese [CH] (D: Sumerian; Babylonian; Hittite; Indian) |
Mesoamerican: Mayan [M] Incan [IC] Aztec [AZ] (D: Egyptian) Atlantean [A] |
NINGISHZIDA [S] (Lord of the Artifact of Life; God of Secret Knowledge- astronomy, mathematics, pyramid architecture)
Enmeduranki [S] (Master of the Divine Tablets of the Bond Heaven-Earth)
Enmeduranna [S] (Master of the Divine Tablets Concerning the Heavens)
Mummu [S] (Counselor and Emissary of Apsu) (Mercury) Zoroaster (prophet Zarathustra) [P] |
Thoth [E] (God of Moon, Calendar, Divination, Writing) Sphinx [E-G] |
Hanuman [I] |
Enoch [H] Metatron
El Kessem [C] (God of Magic)
Nimrod [C]
Jesus |
Hermes [G] Mercury [R] (God of Communication)
Merlin [CT] Trickster (Father of Pan)
Siming (Lord of Destiny)
Zaojun (Lord of the Family Hearth; Kitchen God)
Laozi Buddha |
Quetzalcoatl [AZ] (Plumed Serpent) Lord of the Morning Star
Kukulkan [M] Pacal Votan [M] Xiuhtecuhtli [M] Viracocha [IC]
Viracocha [IC]
Chiquitet Tehuti Zep-Tepi [A] |
[K] = Kingdom of Noah's Sons (Original 3 Territory Allotments) [D] = Derivative Culture |
Enlil makes Enmeduranki (High Sage-King of Sumer; Nibiruki) into Ningishzidda (Immortal).
Ningishzida as Nimrod holding a Container/Vessel
Sumerian gods with Ningishzida [sim. depiction of Zoroaster
Faravahar)] above Tree of Life
Ningishzida holding an open circle - Omega [sim.symbol of Leo; umbilical cutter of Ninhursag/Hathor]
Usurpation of the Nibiruian Throne: Flight of Alalu to Earth
According to the Hittite chronicle entitled by scholars, Kingship in Heaven, before the Anunnaki landed on Earth to extract gold, there was a prior landing, under the circumstances of the usurpation of the Nibiruian throne by An. When it was time for An’s grandfather to be succeeded, it was not Anshargal (Heir Apparent, and An’s father), but a relative Alalu [Hittite: Alalush] who became ruler. In customary reconciliation, Alalu appointed An as his royal cup bearer. After nine Nibiruian years, honored An usurped the throne after giving battle to Alalu, who fled in defeat to dark-hued Earth.
The Sumerian King Lists report that Alalu was sufficiently concerned about Nibiru’s survival for he reported the existence of gold in the ocean water of Earth to An, who reconciled him by appointing Kumarbi (Alalu’s grandson) his royal cup bearer.
Gold Mission:
According to the Sumerian texts, astronauts known as the Righteous Ones of the Rocketships (Dingir) [aka: Those of Heaven Who Are on Earth (Anunnaki)] came to Earth from their home planet Nibiru about 450,000 years ago (432,000 years before the deluge). Splashing down in the Arabian Sea [during second glacial period, ice sheets extended the coastlines; the Persian Gulf was a marsh; texts report some of the navigator-astronauts wore fish-like attire (Berossus)], arriving at the head of the Persian Gulf, in southern Mesopotamia, the first land party consisting of 50 Anunnaki established there the first Earth station, Home in Faraway Built (Eridu) [sim.translations of “encampment/settled earth”: Hebrew (eretz); Kurdish (erd/ertz); Aramaic (aratha/ereds); Persian (ordu); German (erde) Icelandic (jordh) Danish (jord); Gothic (Airtha); Middle English (Erthe)]. They named the region Land of the Lord of the Rockets (Kiengir) [Akkadian: Land of the Guardians (Shumer; Sumer)].
Sumerian Sun god, Shamash/Utu (Anunnaki) depicted as giant compared to priests, on stone stela at Abu Habba, Mesopotamia
Their chosen commander, and son of Nibiru’s ruler, was a brilliant scientist and engineer, originally named He Whose House is Water (Ea), depicted as being a fish-man, fishgoat, and provider of fish (cerulean zodiac signs assoc. w/activities/reign of Ea: prototype Aquarius; also assoc. w/Capricorn and Pisces) [may explain the Sumerian epithet for founder of Eridu: “sheep of the glittering waters” (Alulim)], who later acquired the title Lord of Earth (Enki) (reigned in Eridu 8 sars = 28,800 years; Sumerian King Lists) after establishing Eridu, and nicknamed He Who Fashions Things (Nudimmud). He has been depicted as most Sumerian deities were with a horned headdress, but also surrounded by interconnected flasks. Enki endeavored in the construction of extraordinary waterworks (ie. canals, dykes, ditches, structures, water purification) in the marshlands at the head of the Persian Gulf (“Myth of Enki and Eridu,” named by S.N.Kramer; “Myth of Enki and the Land’s Order”).
Greek Poseidon [sim.Sumerian: Ea]
The purpose of their mission was to extract gold [and other precious metals: silver (conductor), platinum (power fuel cells); radioactive minerals: cobalt, uranium] from Earth to save the atmosphere on Nibiru for their survival; to suspend gold (best conductor of electricity; royal/divine metal) particles in Nibiru’s waning atmosphere, thus shielding it from critical dissipation. Their initial plan [orchestrated by Ea; Mesopotamian: “Lord of Mining/Wisdom” (Bel Nimiki); alchemy analogy (lead into gold); assisted by his son, Gibil] to extract gold [Sumerian: “bright out of earth” (kugi)] from the sea [via “sunken ship” (elippu tebiti)] proved unsatisfactory, so they were forced the more difficult task of mining ores from southeastern Africa (modern Rhodesia) [Sumerian: “Primeval Source,” “Watery Deep” (Abzu); Akkadian: (Apsu); sim. “deep man-made drilling/hole” (nikbu) « “wisdom” (nimiku); Greek: abyssos; English: (abyss); sim.Underworld/Netherworld (southern hemisphere misinterpreted to mean world of the dead); aka.Sumerian: “Place of the Shiny Lodes” (Arali); “in the chest of the mountains” (Gabkurra); Sumerian: “Prairie Country of the River of Fishes and Birds” (Habur) (the Groningen lab confirmed mining operations in caverns on the Zambezi R. through dating bones to 35,000 BCE and artifacts to 50,000 BCE); Sumerian: “land of no return,” “land where-gods-who-work, in deep tunnels pile up [ores] (kurnugia); reversal of syllables (same meaning by Sumerian grammar rules); Semetic tongues: “precious metals,” “gold” (Zuab)], haul them by ship, Ships for Ores of the Abzu (Magur Urnu Abzu), to Mesopotamia, in Bad-Tibira [Sumerian lit.:”the foundation of metal-working”], where they are smelt and refined. The refined gold ingots [Sumerian: “purified precious” (zag)] were then sent aloft by shuttlecraft to an Earth orbiting craft awaiting a mother spaceship, which took the precious metal to Nibiru. To accomplish this mission, 600 Anunnaki were landed, in groups of 50, and 300 Anunnaki, Those Who See and Observe (Igigi) [Hittite: Those Who See and Orbit (Irsirra)], serviced the shuttlecraft and orbiting station.
Landing Corridor:
"Papyrus of Queen Nejmet" (British Museum) depicting the Pharaoh's journey through the underworld (duat); (angle of cords to "Red Eye of Horus" is similar to Anunnaki landing corridor)
In the land [Sumerian: “home of the righteous ones” (Edin); Akkadian: “plain” (edinu); Biblical: Eden] between the two rivers (Tigris and Euphrates) [Biblical: “abundant” (Pishon) and “which gushes forth” (Gihon)], the landing corridor was laid out like an arrow (45° NW), entering from the headwaters of the Persian Gulf (most abundant source of petroleum; Sumerians had names for the 9 bituminous substances: petroleum, crude oils, native asphalts, rock asphalts, tars, pyrogenic asphalts, mastics, waxes, pitches), and pointing to the twin peaks of Mount Ararat, the Near East’s most conspicuous landmarks. Five cities with specific function were established in five perfect places. The cities on the centerline of the flight corridor are separated at intervals of 6 beru (60km/37 mi.).
Earth Stations (Reflective with Seven Stations of Heaven on Nibiru’s Path):
1) Eridu (Home in Faraway Built): first gold extracting facility at the edge of the Persian Gulf; abode of Ea; third ring from center [1r.Ea/Enki]
2) Bad-Tibira (Bright Place Where the Ores are Made Final): metallurgical smelting and refining center; second ring from center on flight path [1r.Nannar]
3) Laraak (Seeing the Bright Glow): beacon city to guide landing shuttlecraft; first ring from center on flight path, triangulating with the other paired beacon cities [1r.Ninurta]
4) Sippar (Bird City): landing place; space port; second ring from center on flight path [1r.Utu]
5) Shuruppak (Place of the Utmost Well-Being): medical center; first ring from center on flight path [1r.Ninhursag]
6) Laarsa (Seeing the Red Light): beacon city; second ring from center [1r.Ea/Enlil]
7) Nibiruki (Earth Place of Nibiru): mission control center (duranki); center [1r.Enlil]
8) Lagash: beacon city paired with Laarsa; second ring from center [1r.Ninurta]
Miner Mutiny:
According to the Atra Hasis, after 150 millennia (144,000 years, or 40 Nibiru years) of toiling in the mines on Earth (remember: 3600 on Earth is 1 year on Nibiru), the Anunnaki miners in the Abzu began to complain to Enki. When Enlil arrived in the Abzu for inspection, a mutiny was declared. The Anunnaki miners set their tools on fire, marched on Enlil’s residence and encircled it, intent on killing him and breaking their yoke.
Imprisoned in his own residence, Enlil then contacted Anu to come to Earth. After the arrival of Anu, the Great Anunnaki assembled a court-martial. Enlil demanded that the mutiny instigator be executed, but the united Anunnaki did not cooperate in divulging his identity. Not receiving the support of Anu, Enlil offered his resignation of command and requested to return to Nibiru. Anu calmed Enlil, and concluded that the work was too difficult, and considered discontinuing gold mining operations.
Ea then offered a solution. He proposed training a primitive being that roamed in southeastern Africa to perform the mining, after it had the mark of the Anunnaki implanted upon it. The primitive being was the primate, who had evolved on Earth, but still far behind the evolutionary level of the Anunnaki from Nibiru (approx. 100 million years). After much deliberation, Ea was approved to create a primitive worker (Lulu) (miners of gold, silver, platinum, uranium, cobalt), who was to take the burden of the Anunnaki. To “work” and to “worship” [Hebrew: avod] have the same meaning; and the work master was called a king (eg.”Lord”).
CREATION OF MAN: Progenitor of the Primitive Workers
Ea, assisted by Ninhursag [Egyptian: Hathor], Chief Medical Officer, progenerated the human race through genetic manipulation. There was much trial and error resulting in the creation of hybrid life forms [Greek: chimera; sphinx], until the correct procedure was perfected. Extracting the egg of an Apewoman (homo erectus), Ea/Enki fertilized the ovum with the purified semen-essence of a young astronaut (Anunnaki), and then inserted the fertilized egg into his spouse, Ninki, who volunteered for the task. Creating the Mixed Worker, or Primitive Worker (Lulu Amelu), a “laborer” (awilum) [aka. Black-headed people], Ninhursag, the Mother Goddess (Mammi), shouted with joy, “I have created- my hands have made it!” She had created the first homo sapien (modern human), the first test-tube baby.
Primitive apeman (homo erectus), native to East Africa, already genetically compatible with the Nefilim due to the passing of Nibiru’s seed of life after the primeval celestial collision with Tiamat, was assisted in its evolution through genetically engineering and embryo implant technology, utilized by the Nefilim (Anunnaki) (300,000 years ago). (Thus, according to the Atra Hasis, the saught after evolutionary “missing link” never existed, because it was bypassed in a laboratory.) The genetic upgrade gave the apeman the image (flesh) and likeness (soul/personality) of the Anunnaki [Hebrew: “image” (selem); “likeness” (dmut)], the ability to hold tools, and the intelligence to follow orders; but not the divine life span nor the knowledge of good and evil. The mutation was the result of the mixture of god’s purified (“purified baths”) essence (gene; DNA), blood, or spirit/soul, Breath of Life [Hebrew: nephesh; Sumerian: naphishtu; Akkadian: “essence;” “something that came down from heaven” (kisir)] and the clay of the earth [Sumerian: “that which is life” (tiit); Akkadian: “clay,” “molding clay” (tit); Hebrew: “mud” (tit); syn.”marsh” (bisa), “egg” (besa)]. The creation of man created a rift among the gods, but a genealogical relationship with his creator. The hybrid life form of Man blends the essences of Heaven (male Anunnaki; blood) and Earth (female monkey; clay).
Hybrid life forms cannot procreate, so to obtain more primitive workers, the egg extraction process was repeated in fourteen female Anunnaki, designated as birth goddesses; seven bore male offspring and seven bore females.
Axe that Produces Power (Alani):
As the primitive workers began to take over the mining tasks in the Abzu (modern Rhodesia), the Anunnaki in Edin became envious, for they needed builders and farmers. Over Ea’s objections, Enlil forcibly seized some of the primitive workers and brought them to the Abode of the Righteous Ones (Edin) (Myth of the Pickax). “And the Lord took the Adam, and He placed them in the Garden in Eden, to till it and tend it.” (Genesis)
Regardless of the Anunnaki keeping the primitive workers in a fortified compound, Enlil’s newly fashioned weapon, the Axe that Produces Power (Alani), equipped with a horn, “tooth,” and an earth splitter, penetrated its walls. Hence humanity lived in the Abzu as miners, and the Edin as builders and farmers.
Priest-King of the Slaves: Adapa/Adam (Of Earth’s Soil/One Made of Blood)
Relieving the service of the birth goddesses, Ninhursag and Enki conspired behind the awareness of Enlil, to further genetically mutate the sterile hybrid lulu to have the ability to procreate, sexual "knowing" (partaking of the Tree of Knowledge; awareness of good and evil; awareness of being naked, sex, and procreation; at which time he covered his genitals with a fig leaf; this led to a divine curse on the Serpent/Enki and the Earthling, and the fashioning of clothing). At the biological laboratories at Eridu, the House where Fates are Determined, House of Shimti [Sumerian: “breath-wind-life” (shiimti); Hebrew: “spirit/soul” (nephesh) in the blood; sim.Sumerian: “personality,” “that which houses that which binds memory” (teema); Akkadian: “spirit” (etemu); Sanskrit: “past,” “memory,” “lust/desire” (smara)] (the house was adorned with silver and lapis lazuli), whose emblem was two entwined serpents (an emblem still used in medicine today), Enki studied genetics to solve the riddles of life, death, and reproduction. Conducting further experiments in genetic manipulation on the hybrids, and implementing his own sperm (genetic imprint), and the womb of his consort Ninki, Ea refined his primitive worker into a priest. The new "perfect model," Adapa [Biblical: Earthling (Adam); Sumerian: “of the Earth’s soil,” “the one made of the dark-red soil,” “the one made of blood” (adama); Akkadian: “dark-red earth” (adamatu); Hebrew: “red” (adom); “blood” (adamu, dam); sim.in concept to Vedic Hanuman; atom] he was named by Enki, had greater intelligence, the ability to procreate, but not the longevity of the Anunnaki.
Adapa Ascends to Heaven:
On Nibiru, Anu was also concerned of Adapa achieving immortality (partaking of the Tree of Life), commanding the Anunnaki to bring Adapa to him. Afraid that his perfect human would be destroyed at the Celestial Abode of Anu, Ea instructed Adapa to avoid the poisoned food they would offer him. After reaching the Celestial Abode, via two young divine escorts, or eaglemen (Dumuzi and Gizidda; sim.Enoch/Enmeduranki), Anu was impressed with Adapa’s intelligence and recognized in him the distinction of the rocket (shem), which Enki made for him. Deciding to keep Adapa on Nibiru, Anu offered him the Food of Life and the Water of Life, which he refused, heeding Ea’s warning. Thus, Adapa missed the chance of immortality. Adapa was returned to Earth, and witnessed the awesomeness of space while on his journey. Upon his return, he was ordained as High Priest of Eridu, and promised by Anu that the ailments of humanity would be attended by the Goddess of Healing; Adapa would be initiated by Ninkarrak into the secrets of the ailments allotted to humanity and how to [genetically] heal them.
From this point on, the occupations of humanity diversified from miners and tillers into builders (of temples), cooks, dancers, musicians, and artists. It was not long before the Anunnaki, short of female numbers, had sexual relations with the daughters of Man, realizing that they were biologically compatible, consisting of the same Seed of Life, or genetic essence.
Banishing Adapa from Edin:
According to the Book of Genesis of the Bible, Man was placed in the Garden of Eden and tricked by a serpent [Hebrew: He Who Solves Secrets, or He Who Knows Metals (Nahash); borrowed from Sumerian: God Who Solves Secrets or God of the Deep Mines (An Bur; An Buru; An Buzur); Enki] to acquire an illegal knowing (procreation) that was reserved for the Elohim. Sumerian depictions show the serpent, Enki, arrested for his trickery. Enlil was outraged with Enki’s achievements of genetic engineering, and was also concerned of Man obtaining longevity; partaking from the Tree of Life and becoming immortal. So it was decided by Enlil to banish the Adam (humanity) from The Abode of the Righteous Ones (Edin), and he placed Cherubim and the revolving Flaming Sword at the east of Edin to guard the way to the Tree of Life.
From then on, Adapa was free to wander the Earth, survive on his own, “eating the herbs of the field” and obtaining sustenance through hard work. The Lord said to Adam, “By the sweat of thy brow shalt thou eat bread…”
Mortality of Adam: First Antediluvian Patriarch
Near the end of Adam’s life in his 930th legendary year, Adam fell sick with pain. Accepting his mortality, he asked his wife, Eve to go with their third son, Seth, to Paradise for one drop of the Oil of Life, which flowered from the Tree of Life, to anoint Adam’s pains. Lamenting, Seth volunteered in order to make entreaty with the Lord for the fruit of the Tree of Life, which lengthens life. After reaching the gates of Paradise (Eden), they were eventually approached by the archangel Michael, who announced that Adam’s life was fulfilled, his death would not be postponed, and everlasting life would not be granted. Adam died six days later. (Book of Adam and Eve: 2000 year old composition)
Progenitor of the Patriarchs: Ninti; Eve
The Lady of Life, or the Lady of the Rib (Ninti; Chava; Eve) [Sumerian: “rib,” “life” (ti)], was created by Ninhursag.
The Book of Genesis refers to the Sumerian Tale of Adam, outlines the generations of Adapa. The Assyrian kings may have had access to the text, for Sargon and Sennacherib believed that they inherited the wisdom Enki granted Adapa; according to his inscriptions, Esarhaddon was born in the image of Adapa; Ashurbanipal claimed that he knew the antediluvian secret of tablet writing of Adapa.
Adapa (Adam) and Eve were given the fruit of knowledge, or "knowing," which is the biblical Hebrew term for procreation as stated in the Book of Genesis. And Adam knew Eve his wife and conceived and bore Cain, and she bore a second, Abel.
Cain: Tiller of the Earth, Metallurgist, Nomad
According to Sumerian sources, culture consisted of rural (farming and shepherding) and urban before the deluge. Cain was a tiller of the earth, and Abel was a herder of sheep. After Cain murdered Abel (hint of homosexuality as the cause), Cain was banished further east of Edin to the Land of Migrations (eg.Okinawan underwater civilizations), where settlements were established. His wife and sister, Awan, bore him Enoch (not the Enoch who became immortal) meaning “Foundation,” (4th Jubilee) and Cain built a city with twin towers, named after him [Biblical: Nud (Foundation); Sumerian: Nudun (Excavated Resting Place); Aztec: Tenochtitlan (City of Enoch)] (5th Jubilee).
According to a Babylonian tablet paralleling the Sumerian record of the line of Cain, he was buried in Dunnu [Sumerian: Nudun], and his banished people were called the People Who in Sorrow Roam (Amakandu). The text records the four following generations of brothers marrying sisters, sons killing their fathers to usurp the throne of Dunnu, as well as later settlements, the last being named Judgment (Shupat). According to an Assyrian King List, their patriarch was Adamu. Also, the traditional Assyrian eponym of the royal name Ashur, Lord of the Kainites (Ashur-bel-Kaini), paralleling the Sumerian Ashur, Lord of the Duni (Ashurenduni), implies that the People of Kain (Kaini) and the People of Dun (Duni) are the same.
Line of Cain:
1) Cain
2) Enoch
3) Irad
4) Mechuyah-el
5) Metusha-el
6) Lamech: had two wives
7a) Jabal (father of tent dwellers and cattle herders): of Lamech’s first wife
7b) Jubal (father of lyre and pipe players): of Lamech’s second wife
7c) Tubal-Cain (artificer of gold, copper, and iron): of Lamech’s second wife
The Old Testament does not follow the line further, considering the genealogy to be cursed, so the people of Cain became lost. These migratory peoples could have migrated to Polynesia, the Far East, and the Americas. (see sections on Mesoamerican mythos)
Antediluvian Patriarchs: Demigods
Genesis follows the line of Adam’s third son, Seth. This line is referred to as the nine antediluvial patriarchs, or the Sumerian priest-kings, who were considered demigods with legendary lifespans (indicated in parentheses). According to the Book of Jubilees (‘jubilees’ refers the divisions of eras), also known as the Apocalypse of Moses, revealed to Moses on Mount Sinai through an angel of the Lord (scholars believe the work was composed 2nd c.BCE), follows the narrative of the Book of Genesis, and provides the names of the wives of the antediluvial patriarchs.
Antediluvian Patriarchs:
1) Adam (930): [Chinese: Fu Xi (First World Emperor)]
2) Seth (912) (third son)
3) Enosh [Hebrew: “Human, Mortal”] (905)
4) Cainan (910)
5) Mahaleel (895)
6) Jared (962) (“Descent”; “He of Eridu”); wife: Baraka (“Lightning Bright”)
7) Enoch [Hebrew: “to train, to educate”] (made immortal); wife: Edni (“My Eden”) [Sumerian: Ningishzida; “Master of the Divine Tablets of the Bond of Heaven-Earth” Enmeduranki; Egyptian: Thoth; Aztec: Quetzalcoatl]
8) Methusaleh (969)
9) Lamech (777): Ubar-Tutu
10) Noah (made immortal): [Sumerian: Ziusudra; Akkadian: Utnapishtim; Chinese: Shennong; Pangu; Greek: Pan (Second World Emperor)]
While, the Old Testament considers Seth’s son, Enosh [Hebrew: Human, Mortal] to be the progenitor of the human lineage of priesthood engaged in worshiping Yahweh, Sumerian sources begin with Adapa, who was treated like a son to Enki.
Enoch: 7th Antediluvian Patriarch
Enoch, the 7th antediluvian patriarch in the line of Adam, and great-grandfather of Noah, ascended to heaven and became an immortal on his 365th year (Genesis-5) for his outstanding piety and devotion. Enoch’s immortality translated into the Lord’s Prince of Countenance (Metatron), who is stationed directly behind the Lord’s throne. According to the Book of Jubilees, Enoch was the first human of Earth to learn writing, knowledge, wisdom, and time reckoning. Before Enoch was to become immortal he wrote the Testimony of Enoch (Hebrews 11:5), detailing his first visit with the Angels of God, who instructed him in science and ethics. After returning to Earth to pass the wisdom of priesthood to his sons, he ascended to Heaven again to join the Nefilim.
Books of Enoch:
There are two basic versions of the Book of Enoch. I Enoch, or the Ethiopic Book of Enoch, is an Ethiopian translation of a Greek translation of an original Hebrew or Aramaic. The other, II Enoch, or the Book of the Secrets of Enoch, is a Slavonic translation of the Greek. The possibility exists that these versions stem from the original Book of Enoch.
Journey to the Four Earthly Portals:
During Enoch’s journeys to the four corners of the Earth, he discovered the lengths of cords carried by angels as they went to the north. When Enoch inquired about the meaning of the cords, the angels replied, “they have gone off to measure…they shall bring the measures of the righteous to the righteous…revealing the secrets of the earth.”
The Ethiopian version describes Enoch’s journeys to the heavenly portals, or four corners of the Earth and his visions there.
North: glorious device
West: (three heavenly portals) hail and snow, cold, and frost
South: dew and rain
East: stars of Heaven
Middle: revelations of past and future secrets; site of the first Holy Temple of Jerusalem, Temple of Solomon; the journeys from here to the east and west in Edin (see below)
Journey to the Seven Heavens:
After visiting all the secret places on Earth, Enoch took a journey to Heaven, via a mountain summit, which touched Heaven, as well as the Land of Darkness [Hell]. The beings there, his escorts, appeared as flaming fire, but could appear as humans at will.
Enoch describes the angel escorts, “and their faces shown like the sun, and their eyes were like burning lamps, and fire came forth from their lips. Their dress had the appearance of feathers, their feet were purple. Their wings were brighter than gold; their hands whiter than snow.” (Book of the Secrets of Enoch)
[The above description resembles the feather human (yuren), who originally designated the flying immortals (xian) and later designated a Taoist master who has attained immortality by ascending to heaven in broad daylight (feisheng).]
Enoch continues to describe his journey through the seven heavens, “…these two men summoned me and took me on their wings and placed me on the clouds; and lo the clouds moved…Going higher I saw the air and higher I saw the ether; and they placed me in the First Heaven; and they showed me a very great sea, greater than the earthly sea.”
Enoch continued to ascend upon moving clouds from the First Heaven, to the Seventh.
1) Flaming Fire: 200 angels rule the stars
“And they took me to a place in which those who were there were like flaming fire, and when they wished, they appeared as men.” (Ethiopic Book of Enoch)
2) Land of Darkness: gloomy mountain of hell whose summit reaches Heaven
“and they brought me to a place of darkness, and to a mountain whose summit reached heaven.” (Ethiopic Book of Enoch)
3) Garden of Edin: where the Tree of Life lives (see below); where God rests when he visits paradise; guarded by 300 very glorious angels; where the Place of the Righteous and the Terrible Place are situated (where the wicked are tortured) [Mountain that touches Heaven]
4) Luminaries: various wondrous creatures and the Host of the Lord
5) Treasury of Stars: many hosts, thunder, lightning, fiery bow, arrows, and sword
“And I saw the chambers of the luminaries, and the treasuries of the stars, and of the thunder, in great depths, where, were a fiery bow and arrows, and their quiver, and a fiery sword, and all the lightnings.” (Ethiopic Book of Enoch)
6) Bands of angels who study the revolutions of the stars
7) House of Fire: greatest angels hurrying about; throne of the Lord in an crystal palace on fire
“…they took me to the waters of life…and I went in till I drew nigh to a wall which is built of crystals and surrounded by tongues of fire; and it began to frighten me. And I went into the tongues of fire and drew nigh to a large house which was built of crystals, and its groundwork was of crystals. Its ceiling was like the path of the stars and the lightnings, and between them were fiery Cherubim, and their heaven was as water. A flaming fire surrounded the walls, and its portals blazed with fire. And I entered into that house, and it was hot as a fire and cold as ice…and I beheld a vision of a second house, greater than the former, and the entire portal stood open before me, and it was built of flames of fire…and I looked therein and saw a lofty throne. Its appearance was as crystal, and the wheels thereof as the shining sun, and there was the appearance of Cherubim. And from underneath the throne came streams of flaming fire, so I could not look thereon.” (Ethiopic Book of Enoch)
Here Enoch was taken aloft to witness “the mouths of all the rivers of Earth…and the cornerstones of Earth…and the winds on Earth carrying the clouds…”
Rising higher, “where the winds stretch the vaults of Heaven and have their station between Heaven and Earth. I saw the winds of Heaven which turn and bring the circumference of the Sun, and all in the stars.”
Following the “paths of angels,” he reached a point “in the firmament of Heaven above [asteroid belt],” where he could see “the end of the Earth.” From there he could view the “seven stars [Big Dipper] like great shining mountains” “-seven mountains of magnificent stones [Seven Metal Mountains on Earth, in the west; Kunlun].”
From any heavenly perspective, “three stars were in the east,” where there was “the region of heavenly fire” of immeasurable “columns of fire.” On the other side there were “three stars toward the south,” where Enoch saw “an abyss, a place which had no firmament of Heaven above, and no firmly founded Earth below…it was a void [blackhole] and awesome place.” The angels told him “there the Heaven was completed…it is the end of Heaven and Earth; a prison for the stars and the Host of Heaven.” The middle star “reached to heaven like a throne to God.” “…and the summit of the throne as of sapphire,” the middle star was “like a flaming fire.”
Enoch proceeded to a chaotic place, where “stars of heaven bound together.” The angel explained, “These are the stars that have transgressed the commandment of the Lord, and are bound here till ten thousand years are consummated.”
After the two winged men placed Enoch at the limits of the Seventh Heaven (God’s Abode), the archangel Gabriel summoned him for the Lord, where his earthly garments were replaced by divine garments, and was anointed by the angels (as was done for Adapa). Upon the Lord’s command, Pravuel brought the “books from the sacred storehouse” and a reed stylus for Enoch to take dictation. For thirty days and thirty nights (33 days), Enoch was instructed in the wisdom of eternity: the workings of Heaven (eg.celestial bodies, Sun, Moon, planets), the workings of Earth (eg.seas, elements, thunder, seasons), and the workings of Man (eg.language; medicine); writing the “secrets fo Angels and Gods” into 360 sacred books.
After being absent from earth for sixty days, he returned to Earth by an awful angel. There he instructed righteousness to his sons for thirty days (the Ethiopian version states that he taught other men for an unspecified amount of time), and remained hidden until just before the Deluge, when he instructed his great-grandson Noah to be righteous and worthy of salvation. After that, Enoch ascended to heaven (precisely on the day and hour of his 365th birthday) “on the Chariot of Spirits, and his name vanished among them.”
Enmeduranki: Sumerian Enoch
According to the Sumerian King List, Priestly Lord of the Knowledge of the Foundations of Heaven and Earth; Priestly Lord of Duranki (Enmeduranki) reigned in the spaceport of Sippar, under the command of Utu. His name indicates that he had been trained in Nippur, mission control. According to a Sumerian tablet entitled Enmeduranki and Related Materials, Enmeduranki, prince of Sippar, beloved of Anu, Enlil, and Ea, was escorted by Utu and Adad [two angels] before an assembly of the gods, who taught him how to observe oil on water (secret of Anu, Enlil, and Ea), gave him the secret of Heaven and Earth, the Divine Tablet (kibdu), and taught him how to calculate with numbers.
When Enmeduranki’s secret instruction (eg. bone oracle code) was complete, he was returned to Sumer. He then informed men of Nippur, Sippar, and Babylon of his experiences, and hence established the lineage priesthood, commanded by the gods to guard of their secrets, and bound through an oath to Utu and Adad.
(Even though Sumerian texts document the immortality of Enoch and Noah, there is no mention of it in the Bible.)
Thoth: Egyptian Enoch
Thoth has been depicted as the Sphinx at Giza.
CATASTROPHIC DELUGE: Negligence of Divinity
According to the Book of Jubilees, Enoch testified against all the Anunnaki who had sinned with the daughters of men, which contributed to changing the attitude of the Lord. To protect Enoch from the revenge of the sinning Angels, the Lord hid Enoch in one of the four places of God on Earth, Eden, where he wrote down his testament.
Seed Ziusudra: Portending Deluge
Enoch’s great-grandson, Noah was chosen by the Anunnaki to be the sole survivor of the Deluge. According to the Book of Enoch, his birth was unusual:
“His body was white as snow and red as the blooming rose, and the hair of his head and his long locks were white as wool, and his eyes were beautiful. And when he opened his eyes, he lighted up the whole house like a sun, and the whole house was very bright. And thereupon he arose in the hands of a midwife, opened his mouth, and conversed with the Lord of Righteousness.”
Shocked, Lamech told his father, Methusaleh, that his son resembled the sons of God of Heaven, and suspected that his wife was impregnated by an angel. Lamech requested that Methusaleh go to Enoch, who dwells with the angels, to discover the truth. Methusaleh then went to Eden, the Divine Abode, and summoned Enoch to report the unusual infant. After making some inquiries, Enoch assured Methusaleh that Noah was the true son of Lamech, and his unusual qualities were a sign of the Deluge to come, which would last for one year, and only Noah and his family would be saved. Enoch confirmed the Deluge in the heavenly tablets.
Interval in Humanity: Moral Decline of the Anunnaki [Biblical: Nefilim]
Noah (“Respite”) was so named because Lamech expressed a hope that “this one shall bring us respite of our toil and frustrations of the Land which the Lord had cursed.” The Lord (eg. Enlil) seized the opportunity to wipe humanity from the face of the Earth by withholding news of the certain deluge forecasted to occur with the approach of the planet Nibiru. The reason for such dire consequences for humanity was directly related to the sexual perversions of humanity, specifically the sexual relations between “the daughters of Man” and “the sons of the gods.” (Genesis 6)
[Interestingly in Tantric mysticism, sensorial afflictions, specifically sexual addiction, is associated with the second chakra, which is designated with the element of water (deluge).]
The “sons of the gods” who engaged in these sexual relations were referred to as Those Who Were Cast Upon (Nefilim) the earth. As the cohabiters with the daughters of the Adam (Earthling), and bearing children unto them, they became the ancestral Mighty Ones of Eternity, the People of the Rocketships (Shem).
According to the Atra Hasis (Atra-Hasis: The Babylonian Story of the Flood, W.G.Lambert and A.R.Millard), Enlil became increasingly apprehensive about the Anunnaki’s dissipation of their original mission for a life of pleasure, and seized a natural opportunity to halt the moral decline of the Anunnaki. Earth was entering a new (last) ice age (c.38,000 years ago), gradually becoming colder, and dryer with less rainfall, dry rivers, failed crops, famine, pestilence, and sickness. Humanity suffered as mothers hid food from their daughters, and mothers ate their young. Enlil urged the gods to refrain from assisting humanity, and decreed their decimation.
Seven Periods (sar) [Akkadian: “passings” (shaatam)] of Human Decline: Climatic Changes
1) Humans ate the Earth’s grass
2) Humans suffered the vengeance
3) Their features were altered by hunger, their faces encrusted; living on the verge of death
4) Their faces appeared green, walked hunched in the streets, their broad shoulders became narrow
5) Human life deteriorated; mothers hid food from their daughters
6) Cannibalism
7) Remaining humans were like ghosts of the dead
Conspiracy to Feed the People Fish:
During the seventh passing (shaatam), Enki gave a message to the remaining people to not give further reverence through prayer to their deities. Then Enki convened in a secret assembly of “elders” in his temple to outline a plan of action, involving the lower waters of the Abzu, and his “water warriors,” to ultimately result in the release of fish, which fed the starving people. Outraged, Enlil summoned the Assembly of the Gods (eg.Anu, Enlil, Enki, Ninhursag, Ninurta, etc.), and sent his sergeant at arms to fetch Enki, accusing him of breaking the surveillance and containment plan. But Enki denied the accusations, claiming that the culprits who broke the bolt, or bar of the sea (guarded by rockets), had been caught and punished. Not satisfied, Enlil demanded that Enki stop feeding the people (corn, fish). Enki responded with laughter, which infuriated Enlil, resulting in further heated exchanges with Enki. Enlil reminded the assembly that they had unanimously decided long ago to decimate humanity through starvation, and recalled how Enki had disobeyed the rule through assisting humanity since the creation of the Adapa.
Enlil recognized yet another chance to doom humanity, a “killing flood,” a catastrophe requiring the sworn secrecy of the assembly from humanity, and most importantly, the binding of prince Enki by an oath. As the assembly began swearing the oath, Enki initially questioned the reason for taking the oath against his own humans, and ultimately forced into taking the oath.
Slippage of the Great Below:
In the Great Below (Antarctica), the ice age was causing the ice cap to become thicker and heavier, in turn causing increased trapped subterranean friction and heat [sim.to scientific theories of John T.Hollin]. The unstable ice cap was spotted by a South African scientific monitoring station in the charge of Enlil’s granddaughter, Ereshkigal, who alerted Enlil that if the ice cap should slip into the ocean, a huge tidal wave would engulf the entire Earth. The situation was not threatening until Nibiru came into the Place of the Crossing, between Jupiter and Mars, where Nibiru’s gravitational pull could trigger the slippage of the ice cap, causing global storms and deluge (during the Age of Leo) (see ‘Cosmic Cataclysm’ above), ushering the end of the ice age [sim.scientific theories of A.T.Wilson, 1964]. When the certainty of the catastrophe was confirmed by orbiting Anunnaki (Igigi), the Anunnaki began to assemble at Sippar.
Secret Wrath of the Gods:
Preparations were made to assemble the Anunnaki near the spaceport (Sippar), and ready their escape before the pending tidal wave hit. The Anunnaki strategically maintained sworn secrecy (the wrath of the gods) in order to avoid the space port from being mobbed. The evacuation out of Sippar (Bird Town) was orchestrated by the chief of the astronauts (“eagles”) stationed on Earth, the Bright One (Utu), who wore an eagle uniform on formal occasions.
Secret Instructions for a Submersible Ship (Ark):
In Shuruppak, the medical center of Ninhursag [Sud], relations between the Anunnaki and Man were strongest, where a man, was elevated to the status of king, for the first time ever. As the suffering increased, the priest-king of Shuruppak, Ziusudra [Akkadian: “the exceedingly wise” (Utnapishtim), (Atra-Hasis); Hebrew: Noah] prayed for the assisatnce of Ea, who brought fish to his people. [Chinese: Shennong; medicine patriarch] Ziusudra was Ea’s chance to save humanity. Still mindful of his oath to secrecy, Ea responded to Ziusudra’ s prayer by whispering to the reed screen held in front of him (the independent interpretation of oracle signs by Ziusudra). Ea gave Ziusudra instructions to discard his possessions, awaken his spirit, tear down his house, and build a submersible ship [Sumerian: (tibatu); Biblical: stems from root “sunken” (teba)], “like an Apsu boat” [Akkadian: (sulili); Hebrew: “submarine” (soleleth)] “roofed over and below,” hermetically sealed with “tough pitch,” with no decks or openings, “so that the sun shall not see inside,” with specific measurement and design construction that could withstand a tidal wave [Sumerian: Enki said, “let the boat be one that can turn and tumble” (Magurgur)] and preserve the seed of all living things.
Ziusudra had seven days after the sign (a rocket leaving Sippar; 18 beru = 112 mi. from Shuruppak) to build the ark (hermetically seal it), preserving Ziusudra and his family [Chinese: eight trigrams (bagua)], helpers and craftsmen (Akkadian version), and chosen animals. Ea also gave Ziusudra (age 600 years; deluge commenced 2nd month, 17th day) an Anunnaki navigator [Akkadian: (Urshanabi); “westerner who knows the secrets” (Puzur-Amurri)], who would direct the vessel first to (according to the Akkadian version) Enki’s abode in the Apsu to avert Enlil’s anger, and ultimately to the Mount of Salvation (Nisir), Mount Ararat (anchor point of flight corridor), the highest peak in the Near East, that would be the first to emerge from the flood waters (150 days later; entire ordeal lasted 1 year and 10 days, ending 2nd month, 27th day).
When Nibiru was nearest to Mars (Lahmu), during the Mesopotamian New Year (Akiti) (second month), [Sumerian name for Nibiru: “powerful leader of the joyous planets” (Shilig Ludig)], Nibiru caused the deluge upon the Earth until the twelfth month (Addar), when the deluge waters began to subside, [Sumerian name for receding Nibiru: (Shulpakune)]. (Deluge account confirmed also by Babylonian Berossus, reported by Greek Abydenus)
Orbiting the Deluge:
The Anunnaki fled the Earth, ascending in the Chariots of the Gods (Rukub ilani), giving Ziusudra his signal to build. The Deluge came as expected, from the south, “submerging the mountains and overtaking the people like a battle,” the flood swept thereover (amaru baur rata). Viewing the deluge from their orbiting craft, the Annunaki realized their compassion for the Earth and humanity (their genetic children). “Ninhursag wept…the gods wept with her for the land…”
Landing at Ararat:
When the water subsided, the Anunnaki began to land on Mount Ararat [Mount Nisir (“Mount of Salvation”)], and were elated to discover the seed of humanity was preserved. However, Enlil was outraged to discover the survival of humanity, but was resettled after being enticed by Ziusudra’s burnt meat offerings, as well as being convinced by Ea that the gods could no longer exist on Earth without humanity’s indispensable services. Then recognizing the merit of survival, Enlil and Anu blessed Ziusudra with the Breath of Heaven [Hebrew: “spirit” (nephesh); Chinese: tianqi] by exchanging it for the Breath of Earth; Enlil took Ziusudra in his craft up to the Eternal Abode of the Gods. Then they took the preserver of the seed of humanity, Ziusudra, to reside in a faraway place, the Land of the Crossing (Tilmun), the place where the sun (Utu) rises.
Rebirth of Husbandry: Covenant of Agriculture and the Domestication of Animals
Then Ziusudra and his families resettled the mountain ranges and the lands flanking the two rivers (Tigris and Euphrates), until it became dry enough to inhabit. (Eventhough the Old Testament mentions no other human passengers, the Greek historian, Berossus, reports that Ziusudra, his family, and pilot stayed with the gods, while the other passengers migrated back into Mesopotamia.) Shortly after resettlement, agricultural began in the highlands of Mesopotamia (Elam), Syria, and Israel, with barley, wheat, and hemp (genetically matching the grains of the region today), simultaneously with the domestication of animals, specifically sheep and goats, which provided meat, milk, and wool (Sumerian texts; Genesis 9:3).
Genetic Design of Grains and Domesticated Animals Before the Deluge: [eg.ancient Genetically Modified Organisms (GMO)]
Before the Deluge, according to the Sumerian Myth of Grain and Cattle, grains (anshan) and domesticated animals, specifically woolly cattle, or sheep (lahar), were genetically designed in the laboratory, Creation Chamber, of the Anunnaki (ie. Anu, Enlil, Enki, Sud) just after the creation of the primitive human worker (lulu). The primitive workers, who did not know of eating bread, ate plants with their mouths. In order to increase production, the Anunnaki decided to teach those civilized man (namlugallu) residing in Edin, the skill of husbandry; the post-diluvial covenant between divinity and humanity.
Grains of Enlil-Ninurta:
It was not until after the Deluge, that Enlil and Ninurta introduced varieties of anshan and lahar [sim. Biblical Abel]. Since there were no seeds on Earth from the Deluge, specimens of domesticated cereals sent to Nibiru prior to the Deluge, were provided by Anu to Enlil. The region of aromatic cedars, the Holy Mound, near Baalbek, Lebanon, was the only suitable place for agricultural after the Deluge, as well as the shuttlecraft of the Annunaki.
Mesopotamian Drainage Works of Ninurta:
After the Deluge, the lowlands were still flooded and inhabitable, and the highlands were saturated with rainwater. It was Ninurta, assisted by Adad, who engaged in drainage works (ie. building dams in the mountains, digging new channels for the rivers, and draining off excess water) to remedy the situation in Mesopotamia.
After drainage of the Mesopotamian river valleys was complete, the cereal grains were brought down from the highlands. The Farmer’s Almanac was attributed to Ninurta [Akkadian: Urash (One of the Plough)], the one who taught agriculture to humanity (Due to Enlil’s change in attitude towards humanity after the Deluge, agricultural became easier for the descendants of Ziusudra, who were taught, than for the descendents of Adapa, who had to suffer and figure it out after being banished.)
Mountain Wine:
Fruit trees and bushes (esp. grapes) were the first to be cultivated on the mountain slopes. Sumerian texts state that the Anunnaki gave humanity white grapes for white wine and black grapes for red wine. According to Genesis, Noah [aka.Gk. Patron of the Hunt and Wine (Pan)] began husbandry with a vineyard, and he became drunken from the wine it produced. (see ‘Gilgamesh’)
Scholars conclude that grapevine cultivation began in the mountains of northern Mesopotamia, Syria, and Palestine.
Domestic Animals of Enki:
Enki introduced domesticated herds, and with Enlil’s consent, created an artificial grain, “the grain that multiplies,” (grains with doubled, tripled, and quadrupled chromosomes). After creating larger domesticated animals (cattle), Enki introduced a plow pulled by bulls rather than humans, which increased the fertility of the land [sim. Biblical Cain].
Four Regions:
According to the Epic of Etanna, the gods deliberated on the fate of Earth. Then they created the four regions of Earth and oversaw them as the Lofty Ones [Akkadian: Elu; Ilu]. The celestial decision to establish four regions of Earth was complemented with the installation of intermediaries, priest-kings between gods and men, maintaining the Shem line of the antediluvial patriarchs. In an effort to abate the feud between the two brothers, lots were drawn to determine their designated dominions.
Two Regions:
1) Edin (Eurasia): Enlil
2) Abzu (Africa): Ea
Enlil and his offspring controlled the high ground from southeastern Elam (Inanna/Ishtar) to northwestern Asia Minor (Ishkur/Adad). The south central highlands were given to Ninurta, while the north central highlands went to Nannar/Sin. The central position, overlooking Edin, was under the command of Enlil. The landing place at Baalbek was under the jurisdiction of Utu.
According to Sumerian texts, Enki [Egyptian: Ptah] returned to Africa, specifically the lands of Meluhha (Ethiopia/Nubia) and Magan (Egypt), to make them habitable for life through the development of drainage works. Likewise, the Egyptians held that their pantheon (eg. Ptah) came from Ur (“Olden Place”), in order to raise it from under the inundating waters. According to Manetho, the reign of Ptah began 17,900 years before Menes (c.21,000 BCE). After Africa was made habitable, Enki divided it amongst his six sons. The southern most region was regiven to the Great Watcher (Nergal). The One of Fire (Gibil), trained by his father in the secrets of metallurgy, was installed in the mining regions north of Nergal. Prince of the Great Waters (Ninagal) was given the great lakes at the head waters of the Nile. Enki’s youngest son, the Son Who is Life (Dumuzi) (nickname: the Herder), was given the grazing plateau of the Sudan, farther north. The sixth son, and Enki’s actual firstborn and legal heir, was Son of the Pure Mound (Marduk).
Four Regions:
1) Japhet (Indo-Europe: Asia Minor, Meditarranean coast, islands); Indus Valley
A) Northwestern lands (Asia Minor, Mediterranean islands ® Greece): Ishkur (youngest son of Enlil)
B) India (land of grains): Irnini (daughter of Nannar)
2) Ham (Africa: Nubia, Ethiopia, Egypt, Libya, South Africa, parts of Arabia); Nile Valley
A) Lower Egypt and South Africa: Nergal (first son of Ea)
B) South African mines: Gibil (second son of Ea)
C) Upper Egypt: Marduk (third son, favorite, and heir of Ea; Supreme Deity of Babylon Usurper over the Lordship of Earth)
3) Shem (Mesopotamia; Elam, Persia, and Assyria): Tigris and Euphrates Valleys
A) Bordering mountain lands (post-diluvial agriculture beginnings and resettlement): Ninurta (Foremost Warrior; heir to Enlil)
B) Plain between Tigris and Euphrates westward to the Mediterranean Sea (rebuilding of ante-diluvial Sumer): Nannar (first born of Enlil)
4) Tilmun (Land of the Missiles/Living) (see below)
A) Sinai (sacred zone for Annunaki only; post-diluvial spaceport; land of immortality and the Tree of Life): Utu (twin brother of Irnini; son of Nannar); Ninhursag (daughter of An)
Descendants of Noah:
According to the Tables of Nations (Genesis 10), Noah’s three sons, Shem, Ham, and Japhet, from the ark dispersed over the Earth to establish the races of the different regions. The dispersion of the different races (the nation-sons) resettled first in highlands and then gradually spread to the lowlands, as the post-diluvial water levels decreased. The Bible has portrayed the the regions of Shem and Japhet as good, belonging to the descendants of Enlil, and the region of Ham as evil, belonging to the descendants of Enki. [According to linguistic studies of Reverend Charles Foster, The One Primeval Language, all ancient languages, general tongues (ie.Mesopotamian/Semetic, Egyptian/Hamitic, Indo-European) are derived from Sumerian (see ‘Tower of Babel Incident’ below); Nile Valley and Indus Valley civilizations were offshoots of the original Mesopotamian civilization.]
Japhet: Nation-Sons of Indo-Europe
Japhet (Fair One) and his seven sons corresponded with the seven nations in the highlands of Asia Minor, Black Sea, and Caspian Sea areas, where post-diluvial resettlement began. Their descendants established nations after migrating to costal areas, islands (eg. Crete, Greece), and south to the Indus valley.
1) Gomer (sons: Ashkenaz, Riphat, Togarmah)
2) Magog
3) Madai
4) Javan (sons: Elishah, Tarshish, Kittim, Dodanim)
5) Tubal
6) Meshech
7) Tiras
Ham: Nation-Sons of Africa
The descendants of Ham (He Who is Hot; Dark-Hued One) first resettled in the highlands of Upper Egypt and gradually migrated north to the lowlands.
1) Cush: Nubia
2) Mizraim: Ethiopia
3) Put: Egypt
4) Canaan: Libya
Shem: Nation-Sons of Mesopotamia
The descendants of Shem (Sky Chamber) [Egyptian: “Sand Dwellers], the elder brother of Japhet, resettled in the highlands arching from Persian Gulf to the northwestern Mediterranean coast, and bordering on the Land Between the Rivers (Tigris and Euphrates), which was still inhabitable. This land included the ante-diluvial landing corridor, the post-diluvial landing place of Baalbek, mission control center in Shalem (Jerusalem), and the adjoining restricted fourth region (Tilmun), where the spaceport was located.
1) Elam
2) Ashur
3) Arpakhshad
4) Lud
5) Aram
Cultural Eras of Abrupt Advancement: (3600 year increments: Nibiruian Orbits)
The advancement of humanity occurred in 3600 year intervals, when the Anunnaki could easily travel between Nibiru and Earth. In each instance, humanity had been elevated out of cultural decline to a higher level of knowledge and civilization. According to the Sumerians, the Great Anunnaki (the Seven Who Decree), the ranked Anunnaki, deliberated the fate of humanity and its relationship with them prior each blooming of civilization. According to the Hymn to Eridu (t.Falkenstein), these intervaled deliberations were accentuated by an Earth visitation of Anu and a celebration where wine was drank, and prepared by men.
? Ante-diluvial- Paleolithic (Old Stone Age) (prior to 11,000 BCE)
? Deluge- Mesolithic (Middle Stone Age) (11,000 BCE): era of domestication (agriculture and husbandry)
? Neolithic (New Stone Age) (c.7400 BCE): pottery
? Civilization (c.3800 BCE):
1) Near East-Sumer (Tigris and Euphrates Valleys) (c.3800 BCE): Shem
2) Africa-Egypt (Nile Valley) (c.3100 BCE): Ham
3) Indo-Europe (Indus Valley) (c.2900 BCE): Japhet
Recorded in the Sumerian King Lists, the deluge occurred after 120 shars (120 x 3600 = 432,000 years) after the first Earth landing 445,000 years ago, placing the deluge at 13,000 years ago, exactly the time when the last ice age ended abruptly, when agricultural began. Then 3600 years later, civilization again blossomed in the ‘plain between the rivers,’ known to scholars as the New Stone Age, or the age of pottery.
Holy Land of the Missiles/Land of the Living (Tilmun): Sinai Spaceport
The “missile,” or rocket [Sumerian: til; Hebrew: shem], transported a king to celestial immortality, and gave eternal fame for his “name” (shem). The Land of the Missiles, or Land of the Living [Sumerian: Tilmun; for til also meant “life”], known later as Sinai [Akkadian: Belonged to Sin], was the fourth region of the gods, restricted to humanity.
Tilmun was the spaceport in the neutral zone of An, between the regions of his feuding sons, Enlil (north) and Enki (south). After Ninurta’s waterworks made the region habitable for his mother Ninmah (Great Lady), he bestowed upon her the title Ninhursag (Lady of the Mountainpeak). Ninhursag, daughter of An, represented the neutral, yet secondary authority of Tilmun, mediating between the rivaling brothers, baring a son to Enlil (Ninurta) and a daughter to Enki. Tilmun proved to be a pivot point between Heaven and Earth when Kumarbi and Zu [Egyptian: Seth] rekindled the sibling rivalry, and temporarily captured it. Its skies were the battlefield for Horus and Seth (Zeus and Typhon).
Its land was the destination of the Pharaoh’s corporeal soul, or ancestral personality (ka), before ascending to Heaven. This was the destination of Gilgamesh’s second quest for immortality, for he took a ship of Egypt (Magan). Moses lead the Israelite Exodus from Egypt through Tilmun [Egyptian underworld: Duat], and wandered there for forty years, before settling in the Promised Land in Canaan.
The Lake of Reeds [Hebrew: Yam Suff] (Red Sea) served as Tilmun’s protective barrier, which poured over the Amalekites, the adversaries of the Israelites (“God’s chosen people”). Beyond the Lake of Reeds, was a barren desert leading to a sacred mountain, Mountain of the Supreme Barge (Mount Mashu). The Koran describes the Waters of Life as being located at the junction of two streams (aka. Stream of Osiris, the entrance to the underworld, where the Phoenix migrates). According to the tales of Alexander, this was the location of the light emitting Stone of Adam (oracle stone), where Alexander was advised by divine beings to turn back. The Koran parallels Alexander with Moses calling him “He of the Two Horns,” for when Moses reached this location his face radiated light like horns.
Gate of Heaven and Earth: Sacred Desert
In the center of the sacred desert, the Spaceport, the Gate of Heaven and Earth, was situated on the intersection of the central flight path and the 30th parallel (N lat) (gaze of the Sphinx), equidistant from Heliopolis and Umm Shumar. The Hebrew prophets called the central divine flight line (Sheti) passing through Jerusalem, the direction to observe “the Lord coming from sacred Sinai.” The Egyptians called the area of the Spaceport in the center of the desert, the Place of the Hidden Name (Shetita). The Bible called the sacred desert, the Desert of Kadesh.
Mount Mashu marked the southern gateway to the Spaceport in Tilmun, located in a level desert oval plain surrounded by mountains, in central Sinai. As described in the Book of Enoch, the vast flat plain was a hard natural surface which provided ready-made runways for Annunaki shuttlecraft.
Biblical scholars throughout history have debated the existence of one or two sacred mounts due to its many documented titles:
Various Names for Mount Mashu:
1) Cedar Mountain: paired with that of Baalbek
2) Mount Moses [Hebrew: Mount Moshe or Mushas; Arabic: Gebel Mussa]: to Alexander
3) Mount Sinai: which was the Mountain of the Lawgivings
4) Mount Horeb (Mountain of Dryness):
5) Mount Paran (or El-Paran): where Yahweh appeared to the Israelites; wilderness adjoining Kadesh-Barnea; possibly the Biblical name for the central plain (location of spaceport)
6) Mountain of the Gods: where the Lord first revealed himself unto Moses; not far from the Land of Midian; where Moses wandered while shepherding a flock of Jethro (Moses’s father-in-law, and priest of the Medianites); situated near an adjoining wilderness (Horeb), the abode of the Midianites, along the Gulf of Aqaba, and astride the copper working areas
Imperial African-Asian Land Bridge:
The Mesopotamian texts describe Tilmun to be situated at the mouth of two bodies of water (Gulf of Suez in the west and the Gulf of Elat in the east), consisting of a southern high mountainous region, a central mountainous plateau, and northern plain surrounded by mountains, which levels off via sandy hills to the Mediterranean Sea. The costal strip of Tilmun served as a land bridge between Africa and Asia, particularly for the Egyptian Empire under Thothmes III (1450 BCE) and Ramses II (1300 BCE), the Assyrian Empire under Assurbanipal (669-625 BCE), the Persian Empire under Darius I (500 BCE), and the Macedonian Empire under Alexander (336-323 BCE).
Subterranean Rain Rivers: Wadi
Typical to Tilmun are shallow rain-water rivers (wadi) that run only during the irregular rainy season (October through May). In southern Sinai, the wadi drains eastward to the Gulf of Elat or westward to the Gulf of Suez. Most of the rain-water rivers of the Sinai peninsula, known as the Wadi El-Arish (The Husbandman) [Sumerian: Urash (nickname for Ninurta)], drain northward into the Mediterranean Sea. After the rainy season, the river’s remaining rain-water seeped through the rock bed and became captured by a subterranean clay level. Sinai nomads (Bedouin) knew that by digging in a dry wadi they would find water just a few feet beneath the surface. Israeli hydrologists have discovered a vast subterranean reservoir (avg.3000 feet below the rock bed and rising by its own pressure to 1000 feet below the ground) extending over 6000 square miles from the Suez Canal to the Negev of Israel. After the exodus, when the Israelites wandered in the desert for forty years, Yahweh showed Moses twice where to specifically hit the rock (dry wadi), providing enough water for the many people and their livestock. In the Sumerian tale of famine and drought (prior to the Deluge), Ninsikilla, spouse of Tilmun’s ruler Enshag, complained to her father, Enki for a solution. Enki instructed Utu to fire a missile from the sky to penetrate the layers of rock and bring up the subterranean waters.
Land of Mining (Makfat): Mining Turquoise and Smelting Copper
Tilmun was the source of azure gemstones, lapis lazuli, turquoise, malachite, and copper, cherished by the Sumerians. Egyptian raids (3000 BCE) on the mines of Tilmun were resisted by the Quenites, the local Semitic tribesmen who developed copper smelting and turquoise mining. According to the Old Testament, the Quenites inhabited southern Sinai, and their name meant “smiths/metallurgists.” After the Israelite exodus from Egypt, Moses married into the Quenite tribe. The biblical term for “smith” (qain; associated with Adam’s son Cain) roots from the Sumerian term for “fashioner” (kin). (Forbes)
The Egyptians named turquoise (mafkat) and Sinai (Land of Makfat) after the Semitic term for mining (makfat). The mining areas were in the domain of Hathor, who was known as the Lady of Sinai, the Lady of Makfat, and nicknamed The Cow, depicted with cow’s horns. Hieroglyphically, her name is depicted as a falcon within a box enclosure, which was interpreted as the House of Horus (Falcon god), and literally translates as Falcon House, associated with the Land of the Missiles. According to Sumerian pre-Diluvial mythos, Enki organized mining operations, and his sister, Ninhursag [Egyptian: Hathor], was allotted the Land of the Mines (Tilmun). As Chief Nurse, Ninhursag was very beautiful, but in old age she was nicknamed The Cow.
Land of Date Palms: The Great Tree of Oracles (Gishtil)
Sinai has over a thousand species of flora, the most important to antiquity being the onion, acacia, tamarisks [Biblical: manna], and date palm. The acacia tree and the tamarisk bush trace the wadi courses and grow year round by penetrating the subsurface moisture with their roots. According to the Old Testament, the Holy Ark which contained the tablets of the Ten Commandments, was made of acacia wood.
The date palm, most associated with antiquity, is still Sinai’s most economically important tree. Needing minimal cultivation, the date palm’s fruits (dates) are nourishing food, its pulp and kernels feed camels and goats, the trunk is used for building and fuel, the branches are used for roofing, and the fibers for rope and weaving. The Lady of Date Palms was another epithet for Ninhursag. According to Mesopotamian records, Tilmun dates were exported in antiquity for their superior quality size and taste. Recipes for the meals of the deities of Uruk specified that 108 measures of ordinary dates, dates from Tilmun, figs, and raisins be offered everyday, for the four daily meals. The nearest and most ancient town on the land route from Sinai to Mesopotamia, was Jericho [Biblical epithet: city of dates]. The date palm has been adopted in Near Eastern religions as a symbol of righteousness. Ezekiel’s saw in an ecstatic vision, the rebuilt temple of Jerusalem decorated with alternating Cherubim and date palms. The Greek Ionian column and Egyptian columns were stylizations of the Tree of Life into the shape of a date palm, identifying the Fruit of Life as a particular species of date.
The Tree of Life and Vehicle of Life (artificial manufactured object; rocket) both translate the same [Sumerian: Gishtil]. In Mesopotamian art, Eaglemen can be found saluting the date palm and the rocket (conical object). Greek religious art further associate the Stone of Splendor with the date palm, suggesting the linkages between the Greek, Egyptian, Nubian, and Canaanite oracle centers. According to Sumerian texts, the date palm was named the Great Tree of Oracles.
POST-DILUVIAL FLIGHT CORRIDOR: Triangulations of the Divine Grid
The post-Diluvial flight corridor adopted the same principles of triangulation as the antediluvial flight corridor. The masterful yet simple Divine Grid precisely arrayed by the Anunnaki, artfully combined basic geometry with natural landmarks. Mount Ararat is the northern landmark that anchors the flight corridor on center with mission control (Jersalem) and the spaceport in Tilmun (Sinai). The southern line of the landing corridor connects the twin peaks of Ararat with the twin peaks of St. Katherine (Harsag) and Umm Shumar (Mount Moses), while the upper line of the landing corridor connects through landing platform at Baalbek and the pyramids (artificial twin peaks) of Giza and Heliopolis. Due the flat terrain of Egypt, artificial twin peaks were constructed where the northern line of the flight corridor crossed the 30th parallel (30° N Lat), which delineated a sacred division of air space. The Three Ways delineated the airspace (each spanning 60° Lat) between Enlil in the north (northpole to 30° N Lat), An in the middle over the equator (30° N Lat to 30° S Lat), and Ea in the south (southpole to 30° S Lat). The outer and inner perimeter circles about Mission Control (Jerusalem) designated the equidistant pairs of radial sites which utilized oracle stone installations for communication.
Diluvial Pivot for Focal Point of Central Flight Corridor:
1) Mount Ararat: focal point of central flight corridor
· Highest Mount in Near East
· Post-diluvial landing place
Outer Circle:
2) Giza/Heliopolis (An): Geodesic Beacon
· Outlines flight corridor
· Giza Pyramid, two companion pyramids, and sphinx situated on Baalbek-Ararat line
· Equidistant with Mount St. Katherine to Baalbek and Jerusalem
3) Mount St. Katherine/Mount Umm Shumar: Geodesic Beacon
· Outlines flight corridor
· Highest peaks of Sinai
· Distinctive twin peaks
· Equidistant with Giza Pyramid to Baalbek and Jerusalem
Inner Circle:
4) Baalbek (Cedar Mountain): Landing Place
· Antediluvial platform of immense size
· Equidistant with Mount Sinai to Jerusalem
5) Mount Sinai: Spaceport (see ‘Tilmun’ above)
· Situated in the intersection of central flight path and 30th parallel (gaze of the sphinx)
· Equidistant from Heliopolis and Umm Shumar
· Equidistant with Baalbek to Jerusalem
6) Jerusalem (Mount Zion): Mission Control
· Crossing point where the Baalbek-Mount St. Katherine line intersects with the flight path’s center line leading to the focal point of Mount Ararat
· The angle drawn from Jerusalem to Heliopolis and Mount Umm Shumar is exactly 45º
The Bible has glorified the divine connections between Jerusalem (Mount Zion), Baalbek (Crest of Zaphon), and Giza (Memphis). According to the Book of Jubilees, there were four Places of the Lord on Earth, which were created as holy places facing each other. Three of them were in the lands of Shem.
1) Garden of Eternity in the Cedar Mountain (Baalbek): the most sacred; dwelling of the Lord
2) Mountain of the East (Mount Ararat): not in the lands of Shem
3) Mount Sinai (Tilmun): center of the Sacred Desert
4) Mount Zion (Jerusalem): center of the Navel of the Earth
The ancient oracle sites of the Cedar Mountain, Mount Sinai, and Mount Zion, are situated at equal angles (11.5º) from the oracle site at Delphi, Greece. Furthermore, the oracle sites of Jerusalem and Siwa to Delphi correlate angularly (45º) with the oracle site arrangement of Mount St. Katherine and Heliopolis to Jerusalem, respectively.
Mount St. Katherine/Umm Shumar: Twin Peak Beacons of Sinai (see ‘Tilmun’ above)
Sumerian geographical lists named the twin peaks of southern Sinai, Mount St. Katherine, the Gateway Peak (Ka Harsag), and Mount Umm Shumar, the Peak Which Emits Brilliance (Harsag Zalazalag). Located in southern Sinai, Mount St. Katherine (Harsag) is named after the martyred Katherine of Egypt whose body was carried by angels to this peak, where a monastery bearing the same name is now situated. Rising in a two mile massif, south of the monastery, Mount Mashu can be reached by a path of 4000 steps, which were laid by the monks of Santa Katarina. An easier but longer path begins in the valley between the massif (St. Katherine) and Mount Jethro (named after Moses’s father-in-law), and ascends the eastern slope until intersecting with the end of the first path. The monks of Santa Katarina claim that Elijah encountered Yahweh at this intersection. A crudely built Christian chapel and Muslim shrine mark the spot where the Tablets of Law were given to Moses.
Visible from the peak of the Holy Mount of Mount Moses (7560 ft. peak), are the higher neighboring peaks of Mount St. Katherine (8576 ft. peak; highest of the Sinai peninsula) and Mount Umm Shumar [trans. Mother of Sumer; referring to Ningal of Ur, the spouse of Sin] (8396 ft. peak) in the southwest. In the sunlight, the peak of Mount Umm Shumar shimmers in white, due to mica particles embedded in the granite, which contrasts against the blackened slate and red granite of the lower mountain and surrounding area (a true beacon). The peak was distinctive because it offered unobstructed views to both the Gulf of Suez and the Gulf of Aqaba (Gulf of Elat). Wadi Feiran (largest in Sinai), near Mount Serbal (possibly real Mount Sinai rather than Mount Mashu), was possibly the fertile grazing oasis that Moses found worthy to fight for against the Amalekites. (Burkhardt)
Sumerian cylinder seals depict a deity appearing from between two mountains, with a rocket-like tree behind him, or the biblical burning bush (sneh), unto a shepherd. The bible frequently refers to this deity as the God of the Two Peaks (El Shaddai). According to Ugaritic texts, the Mountain of the Young Gods was in the area of Kadesh, while the two peaks of El and Asherah (Shad Elim, Shad Asherath u Rahim) were in southern Sinai, “where the two bodies of water begin.” While Mount Mashu was the Gateway Mount to the central plain of the spaceport, Mount St. Katherine and Mount Umm Shumar on the southern tip of Sinai were the twin peaks that measured up, equidistant with Giza and Heliopolis to the Sinai Spaceport and Jerusalem.
Baalbek: Post-Diluvial Landing Place
Sacred Precinct of the Trinity: Adad-Utu-Ishtar
In Baalbek, Lebanon, within the region allotted to Ishkur (Adad), youngest son of the God of the Thunderbolt (Enlil) [Greek: Zeus; Roman: Jupiter], was a colossal temple precinct venerated to the divine trinity: Far Mountain Land (Adad) [Greek: Dionysus; Roman: Bacchus], Celestial Charioteer (Utu/Shamash) [Greek: Helios; Roman: Apollo], and Warrior Maiden (Ishtar) [Greek: Athena/Aphrodite; Roman: Minerva/Venus]. There, Adad venerated in his place, his commander and father in the most colossal temple of Jupiter anywhere in antiquity.
Baalbek is located in the fertile valley between the Lebanon mountain range, (known as the Cedar Mountains in Canaanite mythos) where the source of two rivers, known from antiquity, the Litani and Orontes, begin to flow. The current Roman ruins were built upon an earlier vast horizontal platform, artificially created 4000 feet above sea level. The sacred site was surrounded by walls serving to retain earth and protect privacy. The enclosed rectilinear area had some sides measuring over 2500 feet, and 5 million square feet.
The sacred precinct was oriented to command the flanking mountains (east and west) and the valley approaches from the north and south. The deliberately missing northwestern corner of the site, creating an unobstructed view (NW), was where the largest temple to Jupiter (Enlil) stood with the largest columns (65’H and 7.5’dia) in antiquity. The columns supported a elaborate architrave (16’H), which supported a pitched roof.
The main temple, situated furthest west, was the oldest of the four-part shrine to Jupiter, believed to be built by the Romans (63 BCE). Arranged along a slightly skewed east-west axis, was a monumental gateway, consisting of a raised portico supported by twelve columns with twelve niches for the twelve Olympian gods. The gateway opened into a hexagonal forecourt (unusual to Roman architecture), which led to a vast altar court, dominated by colossal altar (60’H with a 70’X70’ base). At the far west was the colossal Jupiter’s temple (300’x175’), which was on a podium (16’ above the court level; 42’H from the base platform). The temple dwarfs a giant temple to its south dedicated to Mercury, and there is a smaller temple to the southeast dedicated to Venus. The scale of the temples at Baalbek are colossal compared to the ones at the Acropolis of Athens.
The most profound enigma is the colossal podium in the northwest corner of the precinct (over 50,000 SF), whose base and top levels are constructed of “cyclopean” stones (some measuring 31’L X 13’H X 12’D), weighing more than 500 tons each (pyramid stones at Giza weigh 200 tons each). The middle level consists of the largest three stones, the Marvel of the Three Stones (Trilithon; named by ancient historians) (over 60’L X 14’W X 12’D; 1000 tons), which were precisely shaped and fitted.
Cain in Exile:
Local traditions of Canaan claim that the landing place of the Fastness of Zaphon, in the area of the Cedar Mountains, existed from the time of Adam, who resided there (present Damascas) after his expulsion from the Garden of Eden. It was his son Cain who built a refuge upon the Crest of Zaphon after he killed Abel. The refuge, named after his son, Enoch (different from the seventh patriarch Enoch of the line of Seth), was built for giants (Nefilim), who were punished by the flood for their transgressions.
After the Deluge, the landing platform was rebuilt by Nimrod and his giant henchmen. According to the local Lebanese legends, when Nimrod reigned over Lebanon from Babylonia, the Tower of Babel was actually in Baalbek (The Valley of Baal; The Weeping of Baal).
Sacred Oracle Stones: Navel of the Earth
The Old Testament referred to Baalbek as the northern House of Shamash [Hebrew: Beth-Shemesh; Greek: Heliopolis], which had affiliation with the southern Beth-Shamesh in Egypt, also known in the Bible as On [Sumerian: An; Greek: Heliopolis], known to the prophet Jeremiah as the House of the gods of Egypt, and the location of the rockets (benben).
Through Herodotus, Greek and Roman mythos relate the two cities (Heliopolis) of the sun god through Hercules (the combination of Helios and Zeus; sim. Chinese: Huanglao) who was venerated in Egypt and more greatly in Phoenicia, where there was a temple of two pillars, known as the Sun Pillars, and Stones of the Gods, one of pure gold (stone of Helios) and the other of emerald (stone of Zeus), which shined brilliantly at night. Gold is the best conductor of electricity, and emeralds are used now in laser communications.
The Roman historian, Macrobius connects the Phoenician Heliopolis (Baalbek) with the Egyptian Heliopois (An) through the transportation of Egyptian sacred stones to Phoenicia by Egyptian priests for the veneration of Helio-Zeus with Assyrian rites. The Roman historian, Quintus Curtius, recorded the sacred stones worshiped by the Assyrians and Egyptians (ie. Temple of Ammon at the oasis of Siwa) as conical shaped, resembling a navel [Latin: umbilicus; Greek: omphalos], made of cemented emeralds and gems, and demarking a site as the Center of the Earth. Callisthenes confirmed the stones functioned as oracles, when Alexander the Great rushed to the temple of Ammon (Zeus) for consultation.
According to the mythos of antiquity, the battle between Baal and Mot were over the Stones of Splendor, the Stones that Whisper messages between the gods, as well as oracles from the gods to the kings. It was a battle for the Navel of the Earth. Navel (in English) stems from the Sanskrit term for “emanate forcefully” (nabh), which is related to the Semitic terms for “foretell” (naboh) and “prophet” (nabih). Both Sanskrit and Semitic terms for navel root from the Sumerian term, “bright shiny stone that solves” (naba). Linguistically, there is a direct connection between the internal alchemy (which begins at the navel) and divination. The battle between Baal and Mot for the Navel of the Earth could be an exogenous analogy for attaining peace of mind.
Herodotus claimed that there was a network of paired oracle sites. While visiting Egypt, he heard from a Theban priest, a legend of two sacred women of Thebes who were abducted by the Phoenicians, who sold one in Libya (western Egypt) and one in Greece. The two women founded the twin oracles in Dodona, Greece and Siwa, Egypt. The Dodona version substitutes two black doves for the two Theban women. The twin oracle sites call Enlil by different names: Zeus at Dodona, Greece and Ammon at Siwa, Egypt.
Another set of twin oracle sites could be a Nubian omphalos and the oracle at Delphi, Greece, which was dedicated to He of Stone (Apollo). Similar to Baalbek, Delphi consisted of a sacred precinct, a platform on the mountain facing a valley opening to the sea (Mediterranean). Local traditions say that Zeus found the center of the Earth, by releasing two eagles from opposite ends of the world, to fly towards each other, and meet in Delphi, which was then marked by erecting a navel stone (omphalos). Depictions in Greek art show two eagles perched upon a conical object. Egypt has the oldest depiction of the oracle navel stones, which define the domain of the Hidden God (Seker).
Giza/Heliopolis (An): Pyramid Beacons (see ‘Peace on Earth’ below)
Counter balancing the natural beacons of the twin peaks of southern Sinai, the Giza pyramids were built to serve as a guiding beacon for Anunnaki spacecraft. The Great Pyramid, with its two companion pyramids and sphinx, is situated precisely on the extended line through Mount Ararat and Baalbek.
The Raised Land: After the Deluge
The Egyptian name for Celestial Beings was Neter [Sumerian: Watchers], which is depicted hieroglyphically as a pole with two streamers (flag), usually on a boat. The Egyptian name for the Red Sea was the Sea of Ur, and the Foreign Land in the East (Ta Ur), referred to the city of Ur in Babylonia [Greek: Chaldea].
According to the Egyptians, after the Deluge, the Anunnaki returned to Earth but abandoned the original region of Sumer, which remained too flooded for civilization, and settled in the Nile region. The Anunnaki went into Egypt via the Red Sea, the Place of the Gods (Ta Neter). The realization that the names of the olden gods only have meaning in Akkadian, mother of all Semitic languages, further reinforces the Sumerian origin of the Egyptian gods.
Egypt was nicknamed “The Raised Land,” for the Egyptians believe that a powerful deity of remote antiquity, Ptah [Semitic: “he who fashioned things by carving and opening up”; Sumerian: Enki], nicknamed the Developer, raised Egypt from the muddy waters of the Nile by engineering an extensive dyking and damming system. After Ptah left Egypt for the south, he continued to control the Nile from sluices he installed in secret subterranean twin caverns on the island of Abu [Greek: Elephantine], located at the first cataract of the Nile (Aswan). Memphis was built on an artificial mound, which functioned as part of the waterworks system on the Nile.
As in Sumerian tradition, the Egyptians held that originally the Gods of Heaven came to Earth via a Celestial Disk. Ptah, a creator god, was considered the Chief Craftsman of the Gods, being a scientist, master engineer and architect. Before leaving Egypt for the south, Ptah built the religious center of An [Biblical: On; Greek: Heliopolis], where he installed his son, Egypt’s first divine ruler, Ra [Sumerian: Marduk; Semitic nickname: Tem (the Complete, the Pure One)]. There at An, Ra housed his heavenly transport, a “secret object; pyramidion bird” (ben-ben) (see below).
Divine Cordholders:
In the vaults of the British Museum, a Sumerian tablet found in Sippar, depicts Utu seated on a throne under a canopy, which is supported by a column resembling a date palm. Another deity introduces a king and his son to him. In front of the canopy, is the emblem (celestial disk) of the ray emitting planet (Nibiru) mounted on a pedestal. Portrayed somewhere outside the scene, are two deities holding cords with both hands that connect with the celestial disk. The inscription on the tablet invokes the major deities, Utu, Nannar, and Ishtar.
Similarly, the Egyptian Book of the Dead (attributed to Thoth) illustrates the final stage of the pharaoh’s journey in the Underworld (Duat) on a barge pulled by twelve deities to the Place of Ascending, where the Red Eye of Horus, or Imperishable Star (Nibiru), awaits the ascending pharaoh to be reborn. (see ‘Cult of Immortality’ below) The two Divine Cordholders, each associated with an oracle stone site (ie. Baalbek, Heliopolis, Mount Mashu), are engaged in measuring the distance to the spaceport (ie. Tilmun, Baalbek), which connects with the Imperishable Star via spacecraft. The distance from Baalbek to Mount St. Katherine and to the Great Pyramid in Giza are equal.
Whenever the Egyptian Book of the Dead reports a message between deities, the verse begins with the term hut, defined by scholars to mean, “Are you ready to hear me?” In Semitic languages, the term translated as “cord,” or “rope.” In Egyptian, it meant “to extend, or stretch out.” Hut has also been described as the place of the Winged Extenders, as well as the mountain within Horus was imprisoned by Seth.
Conventional Pyramidology:
Out of all the various pyramids of Egypt, the Great Pyramid of Giza is the oldest and most mysterious. According to textbooks however, the first pyramid was built by the architect Imhotep as a magnificent tomb (mastaba) for king Zoser (2650 BCE) west of Memphis. The kings who followed emulated the original step pyramid, which gradually evolved into true pyramids (smooth surfaced).
King |
Pyramid Name |
Incline Angle |
Base Length |
Height |
Sakkara |
Zoser (Third Dynasty)
Step Pyramid |
Sekhemkhet: |
failed step pyramid |
Abusir |
Khaba |
ruined beginnings of step pyramid |
Dahshur |
Huni |
started true pyramid |
Sneferu (Fourth Dynasty): |
Bent Pyramid: continued true pyramid construction at steep angle but collapsed; completed top at a lesser angle |
Bottom: 52º Top: 43º
Red Pyramid |
44º |
656 ft |
328 ft |
Giza: (30th parallel north latitude) |
Khufu [Greek: Cheops] (son of Sneferu) |
Great Pyramid: largest stone building in the world Core: yellow limestone Smooth face casing: white limestone Interior chambers: granite Total mass: 7million tons |
52º |
756 ft |
480 ft |
Chefra [Greek: Chephren] |
707 ft |
470 ft |
Menkara [Greek: Mycerinus] |
One of the Seven Wonders of the World, the Great Pyramid, is the largest stone building in the world. Weighing 7 million tons, its materials consist of a yellow limestone core, white limestone smooth face casing, and granite interior chambers. It rises on a thin platform (22 in. thick), whose four corners are marked by sockets of no ascertained function. Despite the immense weight of the pyramid, the platform remains undamaged and horizontally level (less than 1/10th in. slope in the 758 ft. span). The Great Pyramid and its two companions appear to be true pyramids from a distance, but upon closer inspection are actually layers of step pyramids, believed to have been structurally designed to sustain great vertical stress. Most of the casing stones of the Giza pyramids were removed to build Cairo. The capstones, believed to have been made or covered in shiny metal, have also been removed.
The Roman historian Strabo (1st c. CE), described his entrance through a hinged stone opening in the north face, into a long and narrow Descending (26º) Passage leading to a subterranean pit. The forgotten passage was rediscovered by the Muslim Al Mamoon (820 CE), determined to find a secret chamber which housed scientific artifacts: celestial maps, terrestrial spheres, non-rusting weapons, and glass which could be bent without breaking. Once in the Descending Passage, they eventually found the pit, the hinged opening, and a triangular stone which had fallen from the ceiling during their blasting and ramming entrance. Beyond the opening in the ceiling, was an immobile granite plug, forcing them to tunnel around it. Beyond the granite plug, which consisted of granite and limestone blocks, was an Ascending (26º) Passage becoming a Horizontal Passage, and opening to a square room with a gabled roof. This room, known as the Queen’s Chamber, has an empty niche in its eastern wall, and lies at the midpoint of the north-south axis of the pyramid’s plan.
At the junction with the head of the Ascending Passage and the Horizontal Passage, a Grand Gallery maintained the previous angle of inclination (26º; 150 ft.). Its intricate and precise construction provided a sunken floor, flanked by two ramps with evenly cut rectangular slots. The walls ascend seven corbels (18 ft), each course extending out three inches past the lower, allowing the gallery to narrow as it rises. The gallery’s ceiling width is equal to the width of the sunken floor.
At the top of the Grand Gallery is a short, narrow, and low (3.5 ft) corridor leading into an Ante-chamber of complex construction involving a mechanism that regulates three lock walls, which could prevent further advance.
Beyond the Ante-chamber, was another short and low passage into a high-ceilinged room, constructed of red polished granite, known as the King’s Chamber. The chamber was empty except for a lidless granite block coffer of precise mathematical workmanship.
Chefra, the second pyramid, has two entrances on the north side, one of which leads to an unfinished chamber, aligned with the pyramid’s apex. The chamber has an empty sarcophagus with a broken lid. Menkara, the third pyramid, consists of a core built of the largest stones of all three pyramids. Its lower sixteen courses were cased with granite rather than white limestone. It has two usable entrances and one unfinished trial entrance. Of its various chambers, the main chamber had a magnificently decorated basalt sarcophagus, which was empty.
Great Pyramids of the Anunnaki: Post-Diluvial Ekur
The pyramids of the Egyptian Old Kingdom mentioned above give no concrete evidence (ie. no burial chambers or sarcophagi; not including intrusive burials) to support their function as burial tombs, because they were not meant for human tombs. The pyramids functioned initially as guiding beacons for the pharaoh’s ethereal soul (ka) to the Ascending Place, as well as for the flight of the Anunnaki in the spacecraft. The pharaohs actually attempted to build temples, not tombs, that emulated, not the pyramid of Zoser, but the Giza pyramids built by the Anunnaki. While Ninurta dammed and irrigated the water of Sinai, and Utu who commanded its spaceport, it was the generations of Enkite gods who contributed to the flight corridor of antiquity the Great Pyramid, the Formidable House Which is Raised Up Like a Heap (Miscellaneous Babylonian Texts), the House Which is Like a Mountain. The Great Pyramid was conceived by Enki, designed by his son Marduk [Egyptian: Ra], built by Geb, equipped by Thoth, and defended by Nergal.
There are several reasons that support the fact that the three great pyramids of Giza were the original (post-diluvial) prototypes for all other pyramids. Scholars now believe that the step pyramid of Zoser had white limestone casing, suggesting that it was actually an emulation of the prototypical Great Pyramid of Giza. Usually, pyramids built by successive pharaohs were built next to the pyramids of their ancestors, which was not the case for those of Khufu at Giza. The Great Pyramid was the only pyramid with an ascending passage, which was not discovered until 820 CE, because it was blocked. Therefore, all other pyramids only emulated the descending passage. The absence of hieroglyphic inscriptions in the three pyramids of Giza, suggest that they were built prior to the development of Egyptian hieroglyphic writing, or were not built by the Egyptians.
Some scholars have suggested that the smaller pyramids at Giza were scale models (1:5) of the three great pyramids, when actually they were only emulations. The true scale model was the smallest of the three great pyramids, leaving the larger two to serve as the pair of guiding beacons.
There is no evidence to support that the pyramids were built by the kings they were named after. Even though the fragments of the wooden coffin found inside the Third Pyramid were found with the inscription of Menkara’s name, it was proven to be from a time 2000 years after his reign, and the mummy was from the time of Christ. The Second Pyramid was devoid of Chefra inscriptions, except for the adjoining temples.
According to Herodotus, Khufu reigned for 30 years and built the Great Pyramid. But by every other account he reigned for 23 years. Furthermore there is no evidence supporting the idea that Khufu was a magnificent builder, except for one probable forgery. Due to the fact that Khufu was a poor builder, it is probable that he built, with divine permission, the Funerary Temple, the Causeway, and the Valley Temple just outside and not interfering with the interior of the Great Pyramid. Khufu’s successor, Radedef, broke the tradition of building a funerary temple in near proximity to one’s predecessor, and attempted to build his own pyramid north of Giza, not because he shunned his father’s idea, but because at Giza there was no place to build. Radedef’s successor, Chefra, as well as Menkara, preferred Khufu’s solution of appropriating for themselves ready-made pyramids, and surrounding them with personal temples. With the original three pyramids taken, the pharaohs following Menkara were forced to build inferior emulations.
Khufu’s inscription in a limestone stela, known as the Inventory Stela, within the Temple of Isis just outside the Great Pyramid, affirms that it already existed before his reign, as a possession of the Goddess Isis. Another portion of the Inventory Stela states that the Great Pyramid was known as the Western Mountain of the Goddess Whose Home is Where the Falcons [astronauts] Are or Goddess of the House of Horus (Hathor) (Goddess of Sinai) [Sumerian: Ninhursag], which counter balanced her Eastern Mountain, Mount St. Katherine. Both mountains of Hathor functioned as the anchors of the Anunnaki flight corridor.
Even though the Inventory Stela bore all the marks of authenticity, pyramidology scholars were unable at the time of its discovery, to find credibility in the obvious conclusions, and therefore proclaimed it a forgery inscribed after the death of Khufu. The Inventory Stela was condemned as a forgery after the apparent discovery of red painted hieroglyphic mason’s markings written in Khufu’s 18th reigning year, in the never-penetrated sealed chambers above the King’s Chamber by the Englishman, Colonel Richard Vyse (1837 CE). But, the later discerned sloppy and erroneous red hieroglyphic markings suggest that Vyse may have instigated the fraud for fame.
Feature Similarity with Sumerian Ekur: Ziggurat
Perhaps the divine builders of the pyramids updated the ante-diluvial Sumerian ziggurat to the light reflecting true pyramid of post-diluvial Egypt, for the initial purpose of functioning as sharper directional shadow pointers in the sand, as well as being white guiding beacons. The pyramids of Giza have great similarity to the antediluvian ziggurat of Enlil, the Ekur (House Which is Like a Mountain) of Nippur, which housed the Duranki (mission control center communicating between Heaven and Earth) and the Dirga (Dark Chamber which served as a guidance beacon for spacecraft landing at Sippar). The Great Pyramid of Giza, like the Sumerian Ekur, was sloped at 52º, designed with dark chambers (eg.King's Chamber), and equipped with an aerial guidance system. To assure its neutrality, the Great Pyramid was put under the patronage of Ninhursag, mistress of the House With a Pointed Peak.
The Epic of Etana (a tale describing the heavenly ascension of the post-diluvial Sumerian king Etana) describes the Great Pyramid as the origin of Etana’s journey as the House With the Pointed Peak at the Place of the Eagles. It continues to describe the functions of the structure as a House of Equipment serving to guide the astronauts in sky chambers (shems) as a great landmark and through the emission of a pulsating beam. The epic also describes the features of the pyramid:
1) Foundation: “clad in awe”
2) Entrance: opens and closes like a mouth, “glowing in a dim green light”
· Threshold: “great dragon’s mouth opened in wait”
· Doorjambs: ”like two edges of a dagger that keeps enemies away”
3) Inner Chamber: “like a vulva” guarded by daggers
· Destiny (Sham) Stone emitted red radiant outpouring: “like an intimidating lion”
4) Ascending Gallery:
· Vault: like a rainbow, where the darkness ends
· Joints: “like a vulture talon ready to clasp”
· Top of Gallery Entranceway: “opens only to Those Who Live” (on the immortal’s journey)
· Three Locks: lock the Upper Chamber
5) Upper Chamber: “surveys Heaven and Earth, by spreading out a net [force field]”
King’s Chamber:
The King’s Chamber, maintaining a consistent temperature (68º) apart from the external weather conditions, was actually a depository of weight and measurement standards, housing a Stone of Splendor, which was also installed at other anchor points on the flight corridor. The sealed chambers above the King’s Chamber served as sound emitters, or echo chambers, which also contributed to the upgraded post-diluvial guidance and communication system for Anunnaki spacecraft.
Pyramid Functions:
1) Geographical Landmark which anchored (with Mount St. Katherine) the Anunnaki Flight Corridor: artificial twin peaks
2) Upgraded Space Guidance Beacon
3) Communication system: oracle center
4) Delineated the neutrality zone of the Three Ways (between Enlil and An)
5) Impregnable Defense System: ray-emitter (with Water Stone Apex in place)
Geometric Proportions and Architectual Alignments:
1) Central Verical Axis:
· High: Great Step Up (U) at the end of the Grand Gallery on the Half-area Level
· Middle: Queen’s Chamber (Q)
· Low: Recess (R) of the lowest short horizontal passage, center of Circle 3 (Point 3)
2) Vertical Alignment:
· Down Step (S) in the upper horizontal passage, end of Descending Passage (P)
3) Three Equal Circles (governed by p): Horizontal juxtaposing of circles [r = 60 Sacred Cubits (25.2”); Sir Isaac Newton concludes that this unit of measurement was used in the design of the Giza pyramids, Noah’s Ark, and Solomon’s Temple] at their center points superimposed over the Rock Masonry Level
4) 60 Sacred Cubits: governs lengths and heighths of the interior structure and the base dimesions
5) External Angle of Ascension (52°):
· From the intersection of the second circle through the Base Level (Point 4)
· Incorporates p ratios
6) Angle 45°:
· Angle of descending Tunnel E from bottom of Shaft D
· Projecting an ascending line from Tunnel E to the face of the pyramid intersects the Half-area Level line (5-U-K line), tangent to the top of the circle, aligning the King’s Chamber and the Antechamber
· Projecting a descending line from the end of Tunnel E determines point P, where the Descending Passage ends
· A vertical line from point P determines the Down Step (S) of the Horizontal Passage
7) Angle of Ascending Passage and Grand Gallery:
· Line connecting Point 2 to Point U
· Mirrors Descending Passage from center of Circle 2 (Point 2)
¤ Angle of Shaft F:
· Tunneled from Shaft E
· Projecting an ascending line from Shaft F to the Ascending Passage (Line 2-U) forms a 90° at the entrance of the Grand Gallery
· Where Shaft F intersects Circle 1 (Point 6) is where the Descending Passage intersects Circle 1
¤ Descending Passage:
· Descending passage intersects with the outer face of pyramid at the Entrance Level line
¤ Grandiose Intersection (Shaft B):
· Equal in length to Shaft D
· Distance between the Entrance Level and the level of the Horizontal Passage to the Queen’s Chamber
· Begins where the Ascending Passage intersects Circle 2 (Point 8)
· Vertical projection marks beginning of Grand Gallery
¤ Irregular Passage C:
· Connection from Shaft B to Shaft D
· Created after construction
Gaze of the Sphinx on the Thirtieth Parallel: REALM OF THOTH
The Thirtieth Parallel (30º N Lat) is the northern boundary of the Way of Anu, which established a neutrality zone. The sacred cities of the Four Regions were built as near to the Thirtieth Parallel as possible as landmark gateways of the neutrality zone.
Sacred Cities on the Thirtieth Parallel:
1) Eridu (also antediluvial)
2) Heliopolis
3) Harappa
4) Persepolis
5) Lhasa
The Sphinx at Giza gazes precisely eastward along the Thirtieth Parallel, a line connecting the ancient sacred sites. Napoleon’s historian, Captain Caviglia, excavated the sphinx to discover its colossal size (240 ft.L X 65 ft.H). Caviglia also excavated the Sphinx’s platform which extended east (100 ft.) to a stairway of thirty steps, leading up to a landing bearing a pulpit-like structure. At the eastern end of the landing (40 ft. away), another flight of thirteen steps arose to the height of the head of the Sphinx. At that level, a mini-structure supporting two columns was situated to frame the eastward gaze of the Sphinx.
Inscriptions of the Kings:
Greek conquerors and Roman emperors continued the tradition of the Pharaohs to visit and pay homage to the Sphinx as the harbinger of a messianic era of peace, by leaving inscriptions. Nero’s inscription called the Sphinx, “Armachis, Overseer and Savior.” Another Roman inscription called the Sphinx a “Sacred Guide,” which emulated the image of its divine creator.
Most scholars believe the Sphinx was built by Chefra, because it is connected to the Second Pyramid via the Causeway. The Inventory Stela attests that the Sphinx existed in Giza before Khufu, who called it in his inscription, “Guardian of the Aeter, who guides the Winds with his gaze.” Another Khufu inscription describes how a sycamore tree growing near the Sphinx was damaged “when the Lord of Heaven descended upon the Place of Hor-em-Akhet” (the Falcon God of the Horizon). The Sphinx also had epithets of the Lion (Ruti) and the Eternal (Hul).
Communication Device for Divine Messages:
Most ancient inscriptions describe the Sphinx as a communication device, with two caverns under its paws, which enable it to hear and speak. The stela between the paws of the Sphinx, erected by Thothmes IV, tells how the Sphinx spoke to him and promised a prosperous reign if he could remove the sands that have covered his limbs. Thothmes wrote how he fell asleep at the, “Splendid Place of the Beginning of Time,” near the “very great statue of the Creator,” the Sphinx, who introduced itself, “I am thy ancestor Hor-em-Akhet [Falcon of the Horizon], the one created of Ra-Aten.” Within temples surrounding the Sphinx, exists many Ear Tablets and depictions of Twin Doves, a symbol associated with oracle sites, suggesting that the Sphinx could transmit Divine Messages.
Sacred Guide of Immortality on the Line of Neutrality:
The numerous Egyptian funerary texts consider the Sphinx (sometimes depicted as a double Sphinx) as the Sacred Guide of the Celestial Barge, which carries the deceased from yesterday to tomorrow. Coffin Spells enabling the deceased journey along the Path of Hidden Doors indicate that it began at the Sphinx, when it pronounced, “Pass by!” The Book of Two Ways illustrated the journey of the deceased as two ways starting from Giza and destined for the Duat. The Egyptian Book of the Dead refers to the Sphinx as the “Great God who Opens the Gates of Earth,” suggesting that the Great Sphinx had a counterpart (double) at the gates of the Underworld (Duat), in central Sinai. The Gaze of the Sphinx guided the seekers of immortality through the realm of neutrality.
Jerusalem: Mission Control (see ‘Peace on Earth’ below)
Jerusalem was established as the cult center of the Righteous Ruler of Heaven and Earth (El), well before the Patriarch Abraham reached its gates. Its earliest known name was City of the Completed Cycle (Ur-Shalem), a name associated with orbits or the God of Orbits. Some scholars believe that Shalem refers to Shamash.
Sacred Mountains:
Jerusalem encompasses three mountain peaks from north to south respectively: Mount Zophim (Mount of Observers), Mount Moriah (Mount of Directing), and Mount Zion (Mount of the Signal). Mount Moriah, considered the most sacred, is where Abraham saw the pillar of fire reaching to Heaven from its peak. It is also where the Temple Mount (horizontal platform reminiscent of a larger one at Baalbek), and the Sacred Rock is situated, where Muslims believe Muhammed was taken aloft to Heaven.
Prophet Muhammed:
According to the Koran, Muhammed was taken by the angel Gabriel from Mecca to Jerusalem, stopping first at Mount Sinai, where he ascended a Ladder of Light through the Seven Heavens into the presence of God. After receiving divine instructions, he returned to Earth via the same beam of light upon the Sacred Rock at Mount Moriah. Riding upon an angel’s winged horse, he returned to Mecca after stopping again at Mount Sinai.
Temple of Solomon: Speaker of the Holy of Holies
The First Temple of Jerusalem was built by King Solomon (son of David) following precise divine instructions, and in an exact location on Mount Moriah (c.1000 BCE). The gilded innermost chamber (Holy of Holies) of the temple, built upon the Sacred Rock was guarded by two golden Cherubim. Between their golden wings was the Ark of the Testament, through which Yahweh communicated with Moses. According to the Old Testament, the Holy of Holies was known as the Speaker (Dvir). From the divine communication center of Jerusalem, the installation of a Stone of Splendor vastly projected the supreme word of Yahweh. According to the prophet Isaiah, the Jerusalem Stone of Splendor was a central testament stone establishing the standards of justice and righteousness for all nations.
The cedars came from Lebanon, the purest gold was imported from Ophir, and the washbasins specified copper from King Solomon’s mines. Stone cutting restricted the use iron tools. It took seven years to complete construction and equip the ritual utensils. In the seventh month of the next year, a celebration occurred during the transfer of the Ark of the Covenant (which housed two stone tablets which Moses placed therein in Sinai) into the the Holy of Holies of the Temple of Solomon.
The temple was divided into three parts: entered through a large eastern gateway flanked by two specifically designed pillars.
1) Hallway [Hbr: Ulam]: front part
2) Great Abode [Hbr: Ekhal; Sumerian: Egal]: middle part
3) The Speaker (Holy of Holies) [Hbr: Dvir]: inner most part; held Ark of the Covenant with two Cherubim upon it
4) Courtyard: held the great altar and wash basins
· First Temple construction (c.1000 BCE)
· First Temple ransacked by Egyptian pharaoh Sheshak (c.950 BCE)
· First Temple destruction by Babylonian king Nebuchadnezzar (576 BCE)
· Second Temple rebuilt by Jewish exiles (c.500 BCE)
· Second Temple enhanced by King Herod (36-4 BCE)
· Captured by Muslims (c.7th c.CE): claims Mohammed ascended from there; enshrined it with the Dome of the Rock (over the Dvir) to shelter and magnify it
Navel of the Earth: Sacred Rock of Weaving
Such holy traditions associated with the locations of the Sacred Rock at the precise geodesic center of the flight corridor, affirm the position of the Mission Control Center. Hebrew traditions have identified Jerusalem as the Navel of the Earth. Consequently, Jewish sages have called the Sacred Rock, “the stone from which the world was woven” [Hebrew: Eben Shetiyah (Foundation Stone); where Abraham was about to sacrifice his son Isaac; the prophet Ezekiel called it the Navel of the Earth (center between Europe, Asia, and Africa); Rock of Israel is a euphemism for Yahweh]. The sacred rock foundation possessed an unusual outcropping, protruding above the stone platform (about 5-6 feet; serving as retaining walls and fortifications; western wall is known as the Wailing Wall), with a face which was cut and shaped with high precision (with niches, receptacles, and caverns; major cavity confirmed by Israeli researchers using sonar and radar). Furthermore, the hollowness of the stone platform magnified the mystery of sacred rock. On the southerly section of the western wall, exposed courses reveal massive stone blocks with four colossal blocks above weighing hundreds of tons each (600 tons, 570 tons, 355 tons); which is comparable to the the three Trilithons in the great stone platform at Baalbek (Giza Pyramid stones average 2.5 tons).
PHARAOH’S JOURNEY TO THE AFTERLIFE: Divine Resurrection (Sitchin-Stairway)
While the Hebrews held in myth a unique few immortal invitations for the most righteous kings and prophets, the Egyptian tradition solely developed the invitation to immortality into a royal right. According to the utterances and chapters taken from the Book of the Dead, which also had versions titled, That which is in the Duat, the Book of the Gates, and the Book of Two Gates, inscribed on sarcophagi, coffins, and papyrus, the celestial destination of the pharaoh was the birthplace of Ra (Marduk) to which he returned from Earth. Ra was constantly rejuvenated, or reawakened, by partaking of the elixir, the Water of Life, or Water of Youth, which the Goddess of the Four Jars poured for him.
The Egyptians believed that every person possessed an ethereal soul (ba) [Chinese: hun], which ascended to heaven after death, and a corporeal ancestral soul, essence, or personality (ka) [Chinese: po], which became the divine form of the pharaoh in the Afterlife.
The journey began above ground in a tomb, leading underground, to an opening to the sky, through which the gods and the kings were launched to heaven. A journey encompassing three levels, combining a subterranean place with a celestial function. (see fig.)
Pyramid Tomb: Purification Chamber
The deification of the pharaoh began with purification and embalmment (mummification), giving the pharaoh the resemblance of Osiris after he was pieced back together. The embalmed pharaoh was then carried in a funeral procession to a pyramid topped structure marked sacred by an oval shaped pillar.
Ritual of Opening the Mouth:
Ritual was performed within the temple in an effort to achieve the pharaoh’s admittance into the Afterlife. The ritual was referred to in Egyptian funerary texts as Opening the Mouth, which were supervised by a Shem [Canaan] priest, who were always depicted wearing a leopard skin. Scholars believe the ritual involved literally opening the mouth of the mummy or statue representing the pharaoh with a bent copper tool, which was symbolic of opening the gate to heaven. In order to ensure this achievement, the priest made special appeals to the Eye of Horus (aka. Eye of Ra) (lost in battle with Seth) (see above).
Gateway to the East: The Horizon
The tomb had a false door on the eastern wall, where the pharaoh’s ka was to exit, and discard Earth’s dust. A divine messenger instructed the pharaoh to travel eastward to the Land of the Mountain Gods (Duat), and warned against going westward, and never returning. In the Duat, he was to enter the House of Fire, where, during a “night of computing years,” he would be transformed an immortal and ascend “to the east side of Heaven.”
Lake of Reeds (Yam Suff): Red Sea
The final destination of the pharaoh, where he could partake of the immortality elixir was known as the Land of the Mountain Gods (Neter-Khert), which was written hieroglyphically as a flag upon a ferry boat (hanbu). In order to reach Neter-Khert, the pharaoh had to cross a meandering marsh, the Lake of Reeds, which required the assistance of a Divine Ferryman. Before assistance was granted, the ferryman questioned the pharaoh on his origins, to confirm that his congenital divinity being listed in the Register of the Two Great Gods (a descendent of either Horus or Seth), as well as being assured of the pharaoh’s righteousness. Without confirmation, the pharaoh had to appeal to Ra or Thoth for crossing permission.
Eventually, the boat self-propelled across the Lake of Reeds, at the eastern end of the domain of Horus, to the plain of the Two that Bring Closer the Heavens, in the western domain of Seth (in Asia). The eastern shores of the lake are patrolled by four guards with curled black hair and a braid from the vertex of the head. Here, the pharaoh again proclaimed his divine origins, and with a neutral alignment in the feud between the gods, “born of Horus, he at whose name the Earth quakes, conceived by Seth, he at whose name Heaven trembles.” The pharaoh then proclaims to proceed in the “service of Ra.”
Underworld (Duat): Abode for Rising to the Stars
Beyond the Lake of Reeds, a desert, mountains, and various divine guardians, was situated the Abode for Rising to the Stars (Duat), which was believed by scholars to be an Underworld. A required junction on the divine path of the pharaoh, the Duat was a spiritual abode depicted as a subterranean labyrinth with pools of boiling waters, eerie lights, chambers guarded by birds, and doors that opened on their own. Duat was written hieroglyphically as a star with a falcon, or simply a star in a circle, regardless of its terrestrial quality.
The Duat was conceived as a completely enclosed circle of Deities, which had an opening to the sky at the head point, personified by the goddess Nut, through which the Imperishable Star, symbolized by the celestial disk, could be reached. More concretely, Duat has also been depicted as an oblong valley enclosed by mountains, with a river that branches into many streams. The supernatural region was divided into twelve stations, variably described as fields [elixir fields], plains, walled circles, caverns, or halls, which originated above ground and progressed underground. The pharaoh traversed the realm in twelve hours upon the barge of Ra.
First Division (Hour): The Horn
There were seven gaps or passes between the mountains, two of which were located to the east of Egypt (Sinai), known as the Horizon, the Horn [there is a Chinese constellation named the Horn of the Dragon: first lunar mansion (xiu) extending 12° in the Eastern Palace; Imperial Court of the Celestial King], or the Hidden Place [Ra was later referred to as the Hidden One (Amen-Ra)]. Ra traveled through the fortified pass, on a stream 220 atru long (27 miles), which becomes dry, requiring the towing of his barge. The pharaoh took the barge of Ra on the second shorter pass (15 miles long) between two mountain peaks which each have twelve divine guardian stations. Nearby, is the Lake of Boiling Waters, which burns underground producing a bituminous stench that drives away birds, but is cool to the touch.
Second Division: Desert of the Long Hairs (Urnes); Land of Hathor
After crossing through the pass, the pharaoh reaches the second division, where there are companies of deities, who utter, “Come in peace.” It is called Urnes, after the stream that runs through it; some scholars believe the name is associated with Uranus (Sumerian: An; who is associated with Ninhursag and Ishtar through his neutrality). The arid territory (15x39 mi.) is inhabited by people with long hair, who eat donkey flesh and depend on the deities for water. Even Ra’s barge becomes a Boat of Earth. This is the domain of the Goddess of Turquoise (Hathor) (Sumerian: Ninhursag), and the Moon god.
Third Division: Stream of Osiris (Net-Asar)
With the divine assistance, the pharaoh arrives at the Stream of Osiris (Net-Asar), where the Fighters, or the four gods of the four cardinal directions are stationed. The stream meandered from an agricultural area, through a chain of mountains, to where it divided into tributaries. There, the legendary Phoenix bird guards the Stairway to Heaven, hieroglyphically depicted as the Celestial Barge of Ra sitting on a mountain peak, or ascending to Heaven on a stream of fire, the Mountain of Light. The Stairway to Heaven was depicted hieroglyphically as a single stairway or double stairway (step pyramid). It was built deities of An (Heliopolis) for the purpose of uniting with Heaven.
Fourth Division: Heart of the Duat; Neter-Khert; Hidden Place (Amen-Ta)
Now, the pharaoh asks permission to safely approach his final destination, the Neter-Khert, the heart of the Duat, the Hidden Place (Amen-Ta), the land of the wilderness god (Seker) where the Great House of Two, or House of Fire is situated. It was there that Osiris ascended into the Eternal Afterlife on the Celestial Ladder [Jacob’s Ladder], and where the Two that Bring Closer the Heaven stood against the sky as two trees [two ladder poles]. Here, the pharaoh then prays to Osiris in order to “make his name in the Neter-Khert granted” (a chapter title in the Book of the Dead).
Neter-Khert is a fortified circular subterranean land of darkness, reachable by first penetrating a mountain protected by sweeping flames and divine guardians on a path between two walls, and then descending spiraling paths protected by secret doors. The Book of the Dead states that if one knows the map of the hidden pathways, then they shall receive the elixir of life. The pharaoh offers his congenital credentials, “I am the Bull [Sumerian: sign of Enlil], a son of the ancestors of Osiris,” and the god Sa ceases the flames, withdraws the guards, allows the doors, the mouth of Earth, the Eastern Gateway of Heaven [sim. Chinese Taishan], to open on their own, and permits admission to the underworld.
The pharaoh is lead by torches through caverns and tunnels where diverse functions of deities can be witnessed, and canals of phosphorous waters, to “the pillars that reach the Heaven.” The deities observed along the path, mostly organized into groups of twelve, were known as the Gods of the Mountain, Gods of the Mountain of the Hidden Land, and Holders of the Time of Life in the Hidden Land. They were depicted with various scepters, and animal heads, with serpent guardians.
The descending spiraling path is depicted as a sloped three-storied tunnel, about forty feet high, with 2-3 feet thick, smooth floors and ceilings. The upper and lower levels are occupied by deities, serpents, and objects of diverse functions. The pharaoh travels the middle level, illuminated by the beam on the bow of his silently gliding barge, which is pulled by four deities. The pharaoh’s path becomes blocked by a slanted wall, which forces him to travel on foot. The partition, known as the Path of the Hidden Doors (Re-Stau), which is one wall of a shaft beginning somewhere above ground level, cutting through the three levels of the tunnel by a slope of 15° (slope of tunnel’s descent) and 40°, until it intersects the lowest level. The Re-Stau serves as a path for Seker and other deities. The pharaoh penetrates the air-locked Re-Stau by divine will and received by representatives of Horus and Thoth. The pharaoh then encounters the faceless gods, and pleads with them to reveal their faces, but do not for it is their nature to be like Seker in the Earth.
Spiraling downward, the pharaoh finds himself on the lowest level. He enters an antechamber bearing the emblem of the Celestial Disk, and is welcomed by the deity, the Messenger of Heaven, and a goddess who wears the feathered emblem of He who rested the sky upon the Stairway to Heaven (Shu). The pharaoh then requests admittance by paying homage to the children of Shu and the Children of the Place of the Horizon, and then the pharaoh is admitted through a massive door, into a shaft used only by the hidden gods.
Fifth Division: Deepest Region of Seker; Station of the Beetle (Kheper)
After traveling up and then down, the pharaoh reaches the deepest region, which are the secret ways of an unseen Seker, depicted as a hawk-headed person, standing upon a serpent and holding two wings within a completely enclosed oval structure, which is guarded by two sphinxes. From the sealed oval chamber projects a noise like a great storm, and flows a fire pool. The chamber and pool are enclosed in an air-locked bunker, further protected by a mound of soil topped with the protruding head of the goddess, the female Hidden One (Ament). A communication device resembling a beetle connects the head of the goddess with a cylindrical object, which has two birds perched upon it, on the upper level. This triple arrangement functioned to allow the presence of hidden Seker to be known through the radiant glow of the Kheper. The Kheper was considered the essence of the Duat, a deity who daily informed Seker of matters pertaining to the outside world.
The pharaoh’s passage over the hidden chamber of Seker, through the station of Kheper, became the moment of judgment. The Kheper informed Seker of the pharaoh’s life deeds and righteousness. Depending on the Seker’s evaluation, the pharaoh’s double, or soul (ka), could be condemned to the Fiery Waters of Hell, or blessed with the Waters of Life of paradise. If blessed, Ament then calls to the pharaoh to proceed to the Great One in the Horizon. Now reborn and worthy of the immortal Afterlife, the pharaoh proceeds by boat, lead by a row of disciplinary deities, one of which holds the emblem of the Tree of Life.
Sixth Division: Lake of Life
According to the version of the Book of the Gates, it was in the sixth hour that Osiris judged the departed soul. The jackal-headed gods, who open the ways, invite the pharaoh to drink from the Lake of Life, as Osiris had done when he passed to the Afterlife. Other deities, “humming as bees,” reside in cubicles, whose doors fly open as the pharaoh moves by. Progressing further, the pharaoh’s boat is pulled by deities in leopard skins, on the curving Secret Path of the Hidden Place, where he encounters the twelve technical gods who hold the measuring cord.
Here is where the pharaoh’s boat attains magical powers enabling its journey beyond the stream, without the need of towing. The word of God now propels the pharaoh’s boat.
Seventh Division: Falcon-headed Deity (Heru-Her-Khent); Osiris
The pharaoh now passes through a guarded gate, beyond the underworld, into a celestial territory, where he encounters the falcon-headed deity (Heru-Her-Khent; Osiris), whose hieroglyphic name is depicted with a stairway and the emblem of the celestial disk. His function is to send the twelve star gods and the twelve constellation goddesses on their path.
Eighth Division: Guardians of the Rocket Temple (Het-Benben)
This division was the abode of two companies of gods associated with the mysterious object (Ben-ben) [Sumerian: Gir] of Ra, which was housed in a temple (Het-Benben) in the city of An (Heliopolis). Some gods guarded the interior of the temple, which housed a display of nine secret (celestial) objects of Ra, possessing the mystery of the Ben-ben. Eight gods guarded the exterior, being able to enter the hidden object with offerings from pilgrims. This division was a parallel supernatural realm that linked with the actual Het-Benben in An.
At the shrine (Het-Benben) in An, there was a fountain or well, whose waters have healing powers, particularly in matters of virility and fertility. (The healing waters of An remained venerated until the time of Christ. According to local traditions, Joseph and Mary escaped with the child Jesus and rested by the shrine’s well.)
1) Secret Object (Ben-ben): The secret object resembled a massive launch tower from within which a pointed rocket was raised towards the sky. According to the ancient Egyptians, the Ben-ben was the Celestial Chamber that Ra took to Earth from the Celestial Disk. Ben, literally, “That which flows out” combines the meanings, “to shine,” and “to shoot up in the sky.”
2) Phallic symbol: Ben was depicted hieroglyphically as a pointed obelisk (sim. to Hindu phallic stone: lingum), acquiring connotations of virility and reproduction, and associated with the rejuvenating waters (fluid essence of life) of the Het-Benben, could have been the source of the Hebrew word Ben meaning “male offspring.”
3) Phoenix (Bennu bird): The Greeks called the Egyptian Ben bird the Phoenix. According to legend, the Phoenix was an eagle with red and gold plumage, who returned to An every 500 years to die and become resurrected (or rejuvenated by the Waters of Life).
4) Obelisks: (Greek: “pointed cutters”) called “Beams of the Gods” by Egyptians, used in pairs at temple gates, were simulated stone replicas of the original double Ben-ben, which were rockets that could obtain for the pharaoh Life Everlasting in the Duat. Today, tombstones are a scaled down symbolic replica of the obelisk.
Ninth Division: Ra’s Boat of Millions of Years
The pharaoh sees the resting place of the twelve Divine Rowers of the Boat of Ra, who operate the Boat of Millions of Years.
Tenth Division: Navigator Gods of the Boat of Millions of Years
The deities here provide fire to the boat of Ra. One deity is known as Captain of the Gods of the Boat, while two others are those “who order the course of the stars.” The gods here hold a celestial rank with insignia of one, two, or three star symbols.
Eleventh Division: Divine Pharaoh; Plumed Serpent
The deities here bear the Celestial Disk emblem and star insignia. There are eight goddesses with star emblems from the abode of Ra. The pharaoh sees the Star Lady and the Star Lord, and gods who provide “power for emerging” from Duat, “to make the Benben advance to the Hidden House in the Upper Heavens.” Together with some deities who equip the pharaoh as a god for the celestial trip, “over the sky,” he is forced to enter a “serpent,” inside which he “sheds his skin” (“lays down to the ground the Mshdt-garment”) and emerges as a falcon (“puts on his back the Mark-garment,” puts on “the collar of beloved Horus,” and “takes his divine Shuh-vestment”), the rejuvenated Ra.
Now the pharaoh is a god, and goes with them. They are directed by a god with the Celestial Disk emblem upon his head, who stands with arms outstretched between the wings of a serpent with four human legs, who faces another wingless serpent carrying seated Osiris, against a starry background.
The divine pharaoh is led to an opening in the center of a semi-circular wall. Passing through the hidden door, he travels through a passage which is “1300 cubits long” called the “Dawn at the End.” He reaches a vestibule with the emblems of the Celestial Disk everywhere, and encounters a goddess, “who sheds light upon the road of Ra” and a magical scepter representing Seth, the Watcher. This cavern is the cavern of Osiris, where the north wind is brought to raise the pharaoh as Osiris.
Twelfth Division: Divine Ladder (Ded)
In the final hour of the pharaoh’s subterranean journey, in a region called the Mountain of the Ascent of Ra, he is awed by the majesty of Ra’s Celestial Boat. The pharaoh reaches the Ascender to the Sky, or Divine Ladder, built by olden gods, which had carried Seth and Osiris heavenward. The extraordinary Divine Ladder was bound by copper cable (“sinews of the Bull of Heaven”). The uprights were covered tightly with a “skin.” The rungs were of an unknown material, and “a great support was placed under it by He Who Binds.” The Book of the Dead depicts the Divine Ladder hieroglyphically as a unique tower or double tower (Ded; meaning: “Everlastingness”), resembling a rocket with fins, and sometimes associated with a cross symbol reaching for the Celestial Disk (Ankh; meaning “Life”).
The Divine Ladder was operated by four falcon-men, the Children of Horus (the falcon god), who were sailor youths of the boat of Ra, Children of the Sky, who came from the east. The pharaoh is blessed by Isis and Nephtys, and led by Horus to the rocket, the Ded, the actual mechanism ensuring the “everlastingness” of his name. Even though the pharaoh only needs one Divine Ladder, two are raised together. The Divine Ladders, or boats, also called the Eye of Ra and the Eye of Horus, are positioned on the Wing of Thoth and the Wing of Seth.
The deities explain to the perplexed pharaoh that the second boat (Ded) is for the son of Aten, a deity who descended from the Winged Disk. Two goddesses (Isis and Nephtys) seize the pharaoh’s cables and assist him into the Eye of Horus, or boat, which is 770 cubits (1000 ft) long. The deity in charge of the boat on its bow is instructed to take the pharaoh into his cabin.
As the pharaoh enters the cabin, the “perch,” he sees the face of the deity. He takes a seat, called “Truth which makes alive,” between two deities on the celestial boat. He puts on the double-horned helmet of Horus, which plugs him in for the task, Isis stands before him and Nephtys stands behind him, the Opener of the Ways (Ap-uat) has opened the ways to Heaven unto him, the Sky Bearer (Shu) has lifted him up, the gods of An ascend him up the stairway and set him before the Firmament of Heaven, and the sky goddess (Nut) extends her hand to him.
The divine pharaoh then says a prayer requesting the double doors of heaven to be opened. The double doors open to the ecstasy of heaven, Ape-gods [symbolizing the waning moon and dusk; sim. to Chinese monkey hour of 3-5pm] utter incantations causing splendor to radiate from the Eye of Horus, where the pharaoh hears the command of the gods. The Eye of Horus begins to change hues from blue to red in the east. The silence is broken with the sound of Heaven thundering and Earth quaking. The two mountains divide, the “Bull of Heaven, whose belly is full of magic” rises from the Isle of Flame. The pharaoh ascends to heaven, “dawning as a falcon,” soaring towards the eastern horizon to the Winged Disk (Aten), the Imperishable Star, the abode of Ra. His celestial journey takes eight days until he is summoned by Ra. Traveling in “the lake that is the heavens,” the pharaoh nears the “the shores of the sky.” When the pharaoh, known now to the gods as He Who Knows the Place, arrives, Ra offers his arm on the Stairway to Heaven. At the gates of the Double Palace, Ra welcomes the pharaoh to take the throne of Osiris. Ra takes the pharaoh into himself, to the radiating star in the eastern side of Heaven. In the company of Horus of the Duat, described as the “great green divine falcon,” the pharaoh searches for the Tree of Life in the Place of Offering. In the Field of Life, the birthplace of Ra, the pharaoh encounters Kebehet approaching with the four jars holding the Elixir of Life, which refreshes the heart of the Great God on the day that he awakens to the eternal Afterlife. The pharaoh has ascended the Stairway to Heaven to the Imperishable Star, achieving eternal life.
Legendary Seekers of Immortality:
Alexander son of Ra
The Great Pyramids on the Giza plateau, under the dominion of the Enkite gods (Hamitic gods), were a crucial possession associated with the shared control of the Sinai spaceport (neutral zone of Annunaki), the vital supply link between Earth and Nibiru. The control of the Great Pyramids of Giza was the objective of the First Pyramid War. The control over the space related facilities (ie. Giza, Sinai spaceport, Jerusalem mission control) was the objective of the Second Pyramid War. The wars were initiated both times by Enlilite gods in an effort to dislodge the illegal occupiers (Seth) from the vital space facilities.
Contention of Horus and Seth: First Pyramid War of Gods and Men (8970 BCE)
After outwitting Osiris for dominion over the whole of Egypt, Seth was avenged by Osiris’s son, Horus, in 363 (8970 BCE), launching the First Pyramid War which involved men for the first time. With the support of the deities under Enki [Egyptian: Ptah], Horus advanced north to the pyramids forcing Seth’s retreat to Sinai, where he hid in secret tunnels. After Seth lost his testicles in combat with Horus, it was decreed by the Council of Gods to give the rule of Egypt to Horus and to banish Seth, who trespassed into Asia (Canaan), where he could speak out from the sky (mission control oracle center).
Divine Rulers of Egypt:
According to Herodotus (5th c.BCE), Egypt was initially ruled by deities. Manetho [hieroglyphic: Gift of Thoth], a high priest and scholar of Egypt under the command of Ptolemy Philadelphus (c.270 BCE), who is referenced by many ancient Greek historians, compiled the history of Egypt by dividing the rulers into dynasties. His king list names, lengths of reign, order of succession, and other pertinent information. Manetho agrees with Herodotus, writing that Egypt was initially ruled by 2 dynasties of gods, one dynasty of demigod, a transitional dynasty, and then the pharaoh dynasties. Most scholars find it difficult to accept that Egypt was ruled by gods, and therefore insist that they were deified humans with legendary lifespans.
First Dynasty of Gods and Lengths of Reigns: 12,300 years (7 divine rulers)
1) Ptah: 9000 years (r. 21000 BCE – 12000 BCE)
2) Ra: 1000 years (r. 12000 BCE – Deluge)
3) Shu: 700 years (r. 11000 BCE – 10300 BCE)
4) Geb: 500 years (r. 10300 BCE – 9800 BCE)
5) Osiris: 450 years (r. 9800 BCE – 9350 BCE)
6) Seth: 350 years (r. 9350 BCE – 9000 BCE)
7) Horus: 300 years (r. 9000 BCE – 8700 BCE)
Second Dynasty of Gods and Lengths of Reigns: 1570 years (12 divine rulers) (Turin Papyrus) (r. 8700 BCE – 7130 BCE)
8) Thoth
9) Maat
Third Dynasty of Demigods: 3650 years (30 semidivine rulers); (38 according to the Turin Papyrus) (7100-3450 BCE)
1) 19 Chiefs of the White Wall
2) 19 Venerables of the North
Chaotic Period: 350 years (10 human rulers continued the kingship at This) (3450 BCE – 3100 BCE)
1) Red Crown of Lower Egypt (eg. Scorpion, Ka, Zeser, Narmer, Sma) (Palermo Stone; Egyptian artifacts)
First Human Pharaoh Dynasty: (many kings ruled under the patronage of Horus under the epithet of Shamsu-Hor; 330 kings (Herodotus and the Turin Papyrus)
1) Men [Greek: Menes] (3100 BCE): founder of pharaoh dynasties; united Upper and Lower Egypt; established new capital city, The Beauty of Men [Egyptian: Men-Nefer; Greek: Memphis]
After 9000 years, the Developer (Ptah) was succeeded by his first born son, Ra [Semetic nickname: Tem (the Complete, the Pure One)], who came from the Planet of a Million Years, in a Celestial Barge, whose upper part was the Pyramidion Bird (benben), which was preserved in a shrine in the sacred city of An [Biblical: On; Greek: Heliopolis].
The Heliopolitan priests recorded that Ra headed the first company of nine guardian gods, consisting of Ra and four divine couples, who were Ra’s male successors and their female half-sister consorts. The first successors, his own children, who assisted in regulating the skies of Earth, were the male Dryness (Shu) and Moisture (Tefnut).
They were followed by Who Piles Up the Earth (Geb) and his spouse, The Stretched-out Firmament (Nut). Scholars have assumed that Geb represented the Earth, while Nut the Heavens, thus playing the mythological father and mother for the reigning pantheon of Egypt. According to the Pyramid Texts and the Book of the Dead, the names of Geb and Nut describe their activities related to the reappearance of the red and gold feathered Bennu bird [Greek: phoenix], which occurs every several millennia. Geb and Nut were succeeded by their four children, the All-Seeing (Asar) [Greek trans.: Osiris] and his half-sister-wife, Ast [Greek trans.: Isis], and Seth and his sister-wife, Lady of the House (Nebt-Hat) [Greek trans.: Nephtys].
Sibling Rivalry for the Thrown and Succession:
Ra divided Egypt between two divine brothers, Osiris in the northern lowlands and Seth in the southern highlands. Scholars have assumed that Seth craved power, but it was actually Seth’s ineligibility for both the thrown and succession that lead to the increasingly violent rage against Osiris. According to Plutarch’s Of Isis and Osiris, Nut was compared with Rhea, who mothered three sons (ie. the oldest Osiris and the youngest Seth) and two daughters (ie. Isis and Nephtys). Only Seth and Nephtys were fathered by Geb, while Osiris and the second brother were fathered by Ra, who came on to his granddaughter, Nut in stealth, and Isis was fathered by Thoth [Greek: Hermes]. The struggle between the two rivaling brothers (ie. Osiris and Seth) has been the predominant focus of Egyptian mythology. Osiris had a greater claim to the thrown being the firstborn of Nut, and fathered by the great Ra, even though Seth was the legitimate heir, firstborn of reigning Geb and his half-sister, Nut. The conflict became more complicated with the race between the rivaling brothers to assure that their sons would be the next legitimate successor. Seth could only achieve this by fathering a child through his half-sister Isis, while Osiris could achieve the legitimate succession through Isis or Nephtys, both half-sisters to him. Thus, Osiris deliberately blocked Seth’s chances to have ruling descendents by taking Isis as his spouse. Seth then took Nephtys as his wife, disqualifying their offspring to be reigning successors.
Magnificent Chest: Trickery at the Banquet of Aso
Seth continuously endeavored to overthrow and kill Osiris. Seth planned his revenge during a banquet to honor a visiting Ethiopian Queen, Aso, in which all the gods were invited. His scheme involved presenting a magnificent chest dimensioned for Osiris at the banquet. Seth jestingly promised to give the chest to the guest who could fit inside of it. After all the guests went inside, and Osiris finally laid inside, the conspirators fastened shut the chest and sealed it with poured melted lead. The chest, which imprisoned Osiris, was then sunk into the sea at Tanis, where the Nile flows into the Mediterranean.
Eternal Mummification: Divine Resurrection
After searching for the chest in mourning, Isis discovered that it had drifted on the waves to the shores of Byblos (Lebanon), where she retrieved the chest, and hid the body of Osiris until the resurrection could be performed. Before she was able to summon divine assistance for the resurrection, Seth discovered the body, cut it into fourteen pieces, and dispersed them throughout Egypt. Her sister, Nephtys, helped her to retrieve all the pieces except for one, the phallus. Some versions say that Isis buried the pieces where she found them, initiating the temples of Osiris, while other versions state that the pieces were bound together, initiated the custom of mummification. Isis enabled Osiris’s resurrection by putting the pieces back together, and Osiris lived on in the Other World among the celestial gods.
Artificial Insemination of Horus:
Before disposing of Osiris’s body, Isis extracted his seed essence and self-inseminated to conceive and give birth to Horus, who would one day replace the throne of Osiris. When Horus was born, Isis hid him from Seth in the reeds of the Nile (sim. Biblical Moses).
Kidnapping for the State:
Since Osiris was believed to have perished without leaving an heir, Seth saw the opportunity to obtain a legitimate heir by forcing Isis to espouse him. He kidnapped her and held her prisoner until she consented, but escaped with the help of Thoth.
Returning from a Scorpion Sting: Resurrection of Horus
The Metternich Stela, composed by Isis, explains how she escaped at night to the swamps where Horus was hidden, only to find him dying from a scorpion sting. Isis immediately cried appeals to Thoth for help. Thoth immediately descended to Earth on Ra’s Barge of Astronomical Years and resurrected Horus (some texts say that Horus was eternally immunized as a result of Thoth’s treatment).
Homosexuality of Seth:
Horus grew up as an Avenger of his Father (Netch-atef), who was trained by the Anunnaki siding with Osiris in martial arts and groomed as a Divine Prince, until he appeared before the Divine Council to claim the throne of Osiris. More surprised than any of the other gods, Seth invited Horus his abode with trickery intended. Seth then proceeded to rape Horus, planting his seed essence in him. At the next Divine Council, Seth informed the council that Horus was actually a descendent of Seth rather than Osiris, qualifying Seth as the ruler. But secretly Horus caught Seth’s semen in his hands, and informed his mother, Isis, who preserved it in a pot. She then advised Horus to ejaculate his semen and pour it on the lettuce in Seth’s garden, which he unknowingly ingested. Horus then proclaimed to the council that Seth’s seed was not in him, but his was in Seth’s, disqualifying him. The council then summoned Thoth to confirm the testimony, which he confirmed to be true. Interrupting the council before it could conclude the matter, Seth challenged Horus to combat to settle the issue.
War for the Divine Throne: Contending Horus and Seth
According to Manetho, Seth reigned for 350 years before he killed Osiris, and then Isis found his thirteen body parts in thirteen years, establishing the year (363) (post-diluvial) when Ra joined with Horus against Seth.
Award of Behutet: Temple of Horus
An inscription in the walls of the temple of Edfu, in Upper Egypt, describes the first war in which gods, who first reigned in Egypt, involved mortal men. Edfu was the holy center of Horus, who possessed a foundry of Divine Iron, and maintained a silo for his Winged Disk (spacecraft) of Ra. In 363 (years pertaining to the gods), Ra traveled in his Celestial Boat to the land of Khenn (Nubia), where he met Horus, who informed him of enemy conspirators in the land of Ua-Ua (Syene; present day Aswan in northern Nubia, between the first and second cataracts of the Nile), plotting to take the Luminous Crown of Lordship. Then Ra commanded Horus to attack their enemies with the Winged Disk, giving Horus the epithet Great God, Lord of the Skies. At Ua-Ua, he smote the enemy from behind with a weapon that emitted a silent, invisible storm. When Horus returned to the Celestial Boat of Ra, Thoth officially announced his victory, and consequently, Horus was given the epithet of the Winged Measurer and awarded the city of Behutet [Edfu].
Divine Iron/Metal People (Mesniu):
Also at the Edfu metal foundry, Horus trained the first army of men to use the Divine Iron (sword). The temple walls of Edfu depict the metal people (mesniu) with shaven heads, wearing a short tunic with a deep collar, and armed with a metallic harpoon-like weapon. The harpoon-like hieroglyph translated as “divine iron,” or “metal people.” The strong divine alliance between Horus and Ra, with the firmly secured Ua-Ua, and the mesniu, attracted the cooperation of Ashtoreth (Ishtar).
After Horus informed Ra of hidden enemies, Ra and Ashtoreth advanced via water. Since Horus didn’t have an amphibious vehicle, like the Celestial Boat, Ra gave him a boat, the Great Protector (Mak-A). In the first battle involving mortal men, the enemies, hidden as crocodiles and hippopotami, attacked the Celestial Boat of Ra in the water, but were beat off by the mesniu of Horus, who executed 651 captives in the view of the city. With Horus’s complete victory over the sky, earth, and water, Thoth called for a divine celebration. From that day of celebration, Horus fashioned the metal victory emblem of the Winged Disk, which was placed in the front of the Celestial Boat of Ra, with two serpents symbolizing the two goddesses of north and south, placed alongside it.
The victorious gods advanced further north to Thebes, where Horus and the mesniu slaughtered more enemies, and Thoth again named the location after the victory. While the initial aerial battle divided Egypt from Nubia, the land and water battles secured the bend of the Nile, from Thebes to Dendera, where great temples were erected.
Ra expressed satisfaction with the mesniu, decreeing that they dwell in sanctuaries at Edfu, in Upper Egypt, and This [Greek: Tanis; Biblical: Zo’an], in Lower Egypt, and receive offerings as their reward for bringing victory to Horus. The mesniu outgrew their purely military role and attained the title Attendants of Horus [Egyptian: Shamsu-Hor], serving as his human emissaries.
War in Land of Seth: War in Sinai
Advancing north into the heart of Egypt, Horus in the Winged Disk in the sky, Ra in the Celestial Boat on the Nile, and the mesniu guarding the flanks on land, engaged in a fierce battle in an area of lakes between the Red Sea and the Mediterranean Sea, dividing Egypt proper from Sinai. With Horus following behind Ra, the enemy remained hidden until Ra ordered the ascension of the Winged Disk. From higher elevation, Horus slew the fleeing enemy with a Divine Lance, and executed 142 prisoners at the front of the Celestial Boat of Ra.
Shifting to another panel on the Edfu temple wall, the remaining enemies, retreated toward the Mediterranean Sea via the Lake of the North. Afraid of the pursuing gods, the enemies changed course, crossing beyond the lake barrier into the district of Mer (Sinai), regrouping in the Land of Seth. The new panel introduces Seth as the slayer of Osiris, who was the father of Horus. When the warriors of Seth crossed back, the final battle ensued, resulting in the execution of 381 prisoners; no casualties of Horus were recorded. Enraged, Seth then faced Horus in ground and aerial combat.
Lake of the Gods (Lake of Battle): Final Battle Face-to-Face
The first face-to-face and final battle between Horus and Seth took place at the Lake of the Gods, known later as the Lake of Battle. After hitting Seth in the neck with the Divine Lance, Horus chained his legs, and closed his mouth with a blow from his club. Horus then brought Seth before Ra, who decreed that Seth's and the other conspirators' fate will be decided by their captors. When Horus decapitated the prisoners, Isis had pity on Seth and liberated him. For this, according to the Fourth Sallier Papyrus, Horus decapitated his own mother [sim. to Chinese Guanyin].
Seth then hid in a subterranean tunnel for six days, until he engaged in aerial battles with Horus, who took the Fiery Pillar (nar), a long cylindrical aircraft with a funnel like tail, fins, and bulkhead with two eyes that projected light rays switching from blue to red light. In a far ranging battle, implementing the technology of celestial ships, the Nar of Horus lost one of its eyes from a bolt of light shot from Seth’s ship. Switching to the Winged Disk of Ra, Horus shot the Weapon of Thirty, a three in one multiple warhead missile, at Seth and he lost his testicles.
Truce: Unification of Egypt and the Promise of Immortality
After a truce was called the gods met in council. After much wavering, the Lord of Earth (Ptah) declared Horus the legitimate heir of the Ra-Osiris succession line, and also establishing the reunion of divided Egypt (Upper and Lower), while Seth unable to procreate was given a dominion outside of Egypt (according to the Egyptians he became an Asiatic deity). Every pharaoh after this was deemed a successor of Horus and the occupier of the throne of Osiris, granting the pharaoh sole rights to immortality.
Rivalry of Baal and Yam: Canaanite War in Heaven
The Lofty One (El), the supreme deity of the Canaanite pantheon, may have had seventy offspring, thirty of which were bore by his official consort the Ruler’s Daughter (Asherah). El’s principal offspring, Ocean (Yam), Lord (Baal), Annihilator (Mot), and She Who Responded (Anat), are depicted in Canaanite mythos as contenders for the aeronaut’s resting place at the Crest of Zaphon, or the Rocky Crest of the North (Zarerath Zaphon).
At his remote mountainous abode, El secretly bestows the succession upon prince Yam. The Torch of the Gods (goddess Shapesh) flies to Baal, revealing the bad news. Baal is advised by his sisters to petition his dispute in front of the divine assembly.
Learning of the ploy, Yam sent his armed emissaries to the assembly as they were dining, demanding that the rebellious Baal be surrendered to him. El was willing to yield Baal, but Baal seized his weapons in retaliation, when his mother restrained him, reminding him of emissary immunity.
After the emissaries returned empty-handed from the stalemated stand-off, Yam met Baal on the battlefield as a last resort. Anat conspires with the Craftsman of the Gods (Kothar-Hasis) to provide Baal with two divine weapons, the ‘chaser,’ and the ‘thrower.’ As Baal is about to smite Yam, Asherah orders him spared and banished to the maritime domains.
In return for sparing Yam, Baal asks Asherah for her support in his quest for supremacy over the Crest of Zaphon. Asherah then arrives at the hot and dry abode of El, presenting the situation and asking El to decide with wisdom rather than emotion. El agrees to let Baal be the master of the Crest of Zaphon and build his house there.
Baal’s construction plans required the services of Kothar-Hasis, who at that time had projects in Crete and Egypt. Baal’s construction plans consisted of a two part structure, a ‘great house’ or temple (Ekhal), and a ‘raised platform’ (Behmtam). The two gods had a disagreement the placement of a funnel-like window, which opened and closed unusually. When the structure was completed, Baal had some concerns of its structural integrity. To prove its durability, Kothar-Hasis burned Lebanese cedar trees in the temple for a full week, melting gold and silver; the temple was neither damaged nor destroyed. The new temple was transformed into an underground rocket silo. The Crest of Zaphon became the Fastness of Zaphon, and Mount Lebanon which was named ‘The White One’ acquired the epithet ‘The Armored’ (Sirion) Mountain. Baal aquired the epithet, Lord of Zaphon (Baal Zaphon).
With the Fastness of Zaphon, the ambitions of Baal increased. Inviting the sons of the gods to a feast, he demanded their vassalage. Those who disagreed, were slaughtered or in hiding. He slaughtered the sons of Asherah, Rabbim and Dokyamm. Baal, with the aid of Anat, also defeated the serpent (Lothan), the seven-headed dragon (Shalyat), the bullock (Atak), and the bitch (Hashat) [sim.Greek: Athena assisting Zeus against Typhon].
According to the Old Testament, Yahweh (El) and Baal were bitter adversaries. When Baal’s influence grew among the Israelites after their king married a Canaanite princess, the prophet Elijah arranged a contest between the rival deities on Mount Carmel. When Yahweh prevailed, he acquired mastery over Mount Zaphon, and the 300 priests of Baal were executed. Elijah set his escape path for Mount Sinai, but became lost in the desert. An angel revived him and placed him in a cave of the mountain.
Master over the Crest of Zaphon, actually meant mastery over the gods who could fly, implying world domination. Seven years after Baal became Lord Zaphon, he was challenged by his brother, Lord or the Underworld (Mot). Mot became suspicious of Baal’s secret activities, and insisted on inspecting the Crest of Zaphon. Avoiding Mot’s visitation, Baal dispatched emissaries of peace to the Underworld. As Mot became more persistent, Baal visited the Underworld to overthrow Mot, in the guise of peace.
Then Baal recruited the aide of Anat and revealed to her the secret activities at the Crest of Zaphon. There, the secret Stones of Splendor were being installed into a communication device with the capability to converse with al of Earth and the spacecrafts in Heaven. On his arrival, Baal ran into a direct conflict with prepared Mot, for he controlled the Eye of the Earth.
Anat received the message from Baal, and rushed to his aid at Mot’s capital, to discover him missing, learning later that he had fallen in combat to Mot. Enraged, Anat cleaved Mot. Then Shepesh, mistress of the Healers (Rephaim), assisted Anat in flying the body of Baal back to Zaphon to be placed in a cavern. The two goddesses then summoned the God of Magic (El Kessem), who resurrected Baal.
Cross Cultural Holy Day/Ancient War Parallels:
1) Spring Equinox (March 21): Sumerians considered the solar new year to begin the moment sun crossed the spring equinox. The New Year’s Festival lasts 12 days (symbolizing the journey of the Nefilim to Earth)
2) May 5 (Summer Solstice)/Tower of Babel (Ancient War): the most evil and dangerous day of the year:
· Storm God, Teshub, fights the dragon serpent, Kumarbi [Hittite]
· Baal with the aid of Anat fights Lothan (serpent), Shalyat (seven-headed dragon), Atak (bullock), and the goddess Hashat (bitch) [Cannanite]
· Ramayana [Hindu]
· Clash of the Titans [Greek]
· Twilight of the Gods [Teutonic]
· Dragon Boat Festival [Chinese]: Huangdi wars against Chiyou
· Saturnalia [Roman]
· Cinqo de Mayo [Spanish]
· May Pole Dance/Harvest Festival/Salumpur [Malaysia]
3) 9th Month: worship of 9 Emperor Gods [Chinese], Feast of Atonement [Hebrew]
Seth Trespasses into Canaan: Second Pyramid War of Gods and Men (8670 BCE)
According to Mesopotamian and Biblical accounts, the mission control center of Mount Moriah (Mount of Directing), at the future site of Jerusalem, was under the dominion of the Enlilites (Semetic gods). When the Shem region, the land between the Sinai spaceport and the Baalbek landing place, was illegally occupied by Canaan, the fourth son of Ham (under the dominion of the banished Hamitic god, Seth), it was so named, and Yahweh put a curse on the Canaanites (Book of Jubilees). Similarly, according to the Book of Genesis, Yahweh cursed the Canaanites to always be subservient to the descendents of Shem, after Canaan transgressed to see the genitals of Noah.
As a consequence of Seth trespassing into Canaan, all the space facilities became under the control of the Enkites; a development that the Enlilites could not permit. Hence, 300 years after the First Pyramid War, the Enlilites launched the Second Pyramid War, in an effort to dislodge the illegal occupiers from the space facilities. The Myths of Kur [Sumerian, Akkadian, and Assyrian: Myths of the Mountain Lands] render the war over the control of the sacred space-related peaks, Mount Moriah (mission control in Canaan), the Harsag (spaceport at Mount St. Katherine, Sinai), and the artificial mount of Ekur (Great Pyramid at Giza).
Ninurta invades Sinai: First Phase
Enlilite forces were commanded by Ninurta, who first invaded Sinai. After being defeated there, the Hamitic gods retreated to the mountains of Africa, where the war progressed to a more vicious phase. The final phase was fought at the final Hamitic stronghold, the Great Pyramid, where the Hamitic gods were besieged until their food and water supply was exhausted.
Divine Storm Bird (Imdugud) and the Great Serpent:
According to the epic Sumerian text Lugal-e Ud Melam-bi, the conflict takes place in the Mountainlands, where Ninurta with his Divine Storm Bird (Imdugud) and the Brilliant Weapon engages the leader of the Egyptian deities, the Great Serpent (Azag; Ashar) [Sumerian: Marduk]. Thus, the leaders have been identified as Ninurta and Marduk, the sons of the incessant rivaling brothers, Enlil and Enki.
Ancient drawings depict the Imdugud as a mechanical bird (sim. to Leonardo DaVinci’s design) with a wingspan of seventy feet, enabling the user to fly to heights not visible to the naked eye. The Imdugud inspired Ninurta’s emblem, a heroic lion-headed eagle pirched on two lions or two bulls.
Chemical Warfare at Meslam: Second Phase
While Ninurta pushed the frontal attack, Ishkur roamed the country side in the rear destroying the enemy’s food supply, washing the fish away and dispersing the cattle. Like a flood, the two Enlilite gods forced the southern retreat of Enkite gods into the mountains. As the war extended in time and scope, the two gods requested other gods to join them, most significantly, Sin and Ishtar. Ninurta earned the title, Vanquisher of Meslam, when he catapaulted poison missiles (chemical warfare) on Nergal’s holy city of Meslam, where the Earth became scorched and rivers ran red with the blood of innocent civilians.
Water Stone Apex on the Beseiged Great Pyramid: Final Phase
Ninurta pursued the fleeing survivors into the mountains, where he employed more chemical warfare with the Weapon that Smites, setting fire to the mountain. Azag [Sumerian: Marduk] ordered his followers to not resist, feigning their defeat. While Ninurta believed he was victorious, Azag and his followers escaped to the Great Pyramid, where Enki raised a protective barrier (force field) to resist Ninurta’s Weapon of Brilliance. According to the hymns to Nergal (compiled by J.Bollenrucher) and Miscellaneous Babylonian Texts (compiled by George Barton), Nergal, Lofty Dragon Beloved of Ekur, escaped Enlilite forces to reinforce the defenses of the Great Pyramid with ray-emitting crystals (eg. Water Stone Apex). With the pyramid’s defenses enhanced, Ninurta ordered Utu to cut off the water supply to the Great Pyramid, by tampering with a stream.
Horus Loses His Sight:
Cut off from food and water, and surrounded, the gods in the pyramid did their best to ward off attacks. When Horus tried to escape the besieged pyramids disguised as a ram, Ninurta struck him in the eyes with his Brilliant Weapon causing blindness (Egyptian: Legend of the Ram; Sumerian texts).
Sanctuary of Ninhursag:
This tragic event prompted the neutral intervention of Ninhursag, who tells her son Ninurta that she intends to cross the battle lines to the Great Pyramid in order to stop the fighting. The Enlilites first accused her of giving aid to the “demons.” Later she was forgiven through a baptismal ceremony using water from the Tigris and Euphrates, symbolizing her welcome in Mesopotamia. Astounded by her courage, Ninurta provided her with clothes that would make her unafraid (radiation protection?). As she approached the pyramid, Ninhursag negotiated with Enki, who agreed to surrender the pyramid to her on the condition of a final resolution, which would be determined at a time provided by destiny. Under the approval of Anu, Ninhursag then relayed the surrender offer with the condition to Enlil, who permitted, over the objections of his son Adad, who preferred an unconditional surrender, the safe passage of the Enkite gods. Ninurta watched as Ninhursag escorted the Enkite gods to her abode, the Harsag in Sinai. (Barton)
Fate of the Stones: Aftermath
After entering the Great Pyramid, Ninurta found a descending passage that was dug to probe subterranean water during the embargo. He focused his attention on the pyramid’s upper passages and chambers, where the magical mineral stones of earthly, heavenly, and unknown origin were housed as instruments for emitting beamed pulsations for the space guidance system and radiation for the impregnable defense system. Escorted by the Chief Mineral Master, Ninurta determined which stones would be destroyed, salvaged for display elsewhere, or used in other installations.
Inner Chamber (Queen’s Chamber): Destiny (Sham) Stone
According to the epic of Lugal-e Ud Melam-bi, Ninurta took the Ascending Passage to the junction of the Grand Gallery and the Horizontal Passage, where there was a chamber (“vulva”), in the centroid of the pyramid, housing the Destiny (Sham) Stone, which emitted an “outpouring like a lion whom no one dares to attack.” Remembering the red radiance emitting from the heart of the pyramid (Inner Chamber) grabbing to kill him when he was aloft during battle, Ninurta ordered it uninstalled and destroyed.
Grand Gallery: Rainbow Stones
Returning to the junction of passages, which glowed with a dim green light, Ninurta investigated the Grand Gallery, whose vault glittered like a rainbow, from the 27 pairs of diverse crystal stones evenly spaced in precisely cut cavities along the flanks of the gallery. Ninurta passed through this chamber to the uppermost Grand Chamber, which housed the pulsating stone.
Uppermost Grand Chamber (King’s Chamber): Direction Determining (Gug) Stone
Ninurta passed through the Antechamber and pulled some cords which opened the three porticullises, functioning to seal off the Grand Chamber from foes. In the uppermost sacred restricted chamber, precisely positioned on the north-south axis, was a hollowed-out stone chest which housed the delicate space guidance mechanism. Responding to axial vibrations with a bell-like resonance, this instrument projected the guiding Net (radar?) spreading out to “survey Heaven and Earth.” At the heart of the guidance instrument was the Direction Determining (Gug) Stone, which emitted light beams, amplified by five hollow compartments above the chamber, through two sloping channels leading to the north and south faces of the pyramid. Ninurta ordered this stone to be uninstalled and destroyed.
To ensure that the pyramid’s direction determining functions would never be restored, he ordered the removal of the three porticullises, the Vertical (Su) Stone, the Awesome, Pure Which Opens (Kashurra) Stone, and the Sturdy Which is in Front (Sagkal) Stone. With his own strength he shook the stones of their tracks, cut the connecting cords, sent them tumbling down.
After Ninurta returned to the Grand Gallery, he then determined the fates of the Rainbow Stones, some were pulverizing, some were given to Utu to be used in the new mission control center (Jerusalem), and the remaining were displayed in Ninurta’s temple in Nippur and elsewhere as a symbol of the Enlilite victory of the Enkites. Ninurta proclaimed he disabled the Great Pyramid to ensure peace for future generations.
Apex Stone of the Pyramid: High as the Sky (Ul) Stone
Ninurta then destroyed the Apex Stone, the High as the Sky (Ul) Stone, by sending it crashing down the pyramid’s face. Ninurta then returned to his family in Nippur. [The All-Seeing Eye of Horus separated from the pyramid on the US one dollar bill, could be a symbol of the destruction of the Apex Stone and the victory of Ninurta in the Second Pyramid War.]
PEACE ON EARTH: (8670 BCE – 3800 BCE)
After the Second Pyramid War, the Annunaki convened at Ninhursag’s mountain abode in Tilmun, where she played the neutral role of the diplomatic peacemaker, eventhough she bore the epithet of an Egyptian Enkite goddess, the Snake (Tsir). Acting as arbiter on behalf of Anu, Ninhursag performed a fire ceremony with incantations, where seven fires were lit until it became a blaze, symbolizing the fusion of the seven feuding gods (ie. Enki, Marduk, Nergal, Enlil, Ninurta, Adad, Sin).
Oracle of Peace:
Ninhursag then appealed to the wisdom of the gods and praised the virtues of peace, outlined as the “triple-sprouting of humanity,” the three beneficial accomplishments of humanity (ie. planting, building, and serving the gods) through the merit of following the peaceful way [Chinese Triad of Merit (sanxing): longevity, prosperity, happiness (shou, lu, fu)]. (Barton)
After Ninhursag’s oracle of peace, Enlil declared peace and offered Enki a holy abode in Edin (regaining Eridu), while Ninurta objected. Ninhursag reminded her son Ninurta of his toiling before the war, and now it was time to rejoice in peace.
Peace Delegations:
Commencing the peace delegations, Enki addressed the widespread desolation of Africa and requested the cessation of hostilities, which Enlil agreed to on the condition that the territory disputes end, and the Enkites return to their allotted territory. Enki agreed, hence the Restricted Zone (Sinai spaceport) and the Radiant Place (mission control center of future Jerusalem) were eternally granted to the Enlilites and the Shem people, while Egypt was eternally granted to the Enkites and the Ham people. Enlil amended the condition by barring the Enkites from ruling Lower Egypt (Giza), since they used the Great Pyramid as a weapon. After pondering the amendment, Enki agreed. (I Sing the Song of the Mother of the Gods)
Ruler of Peace: Lord of the Artifact of Life (Ningishzida)
Then Enlil announced the new ruler of Giza was to be the Lord of the Artifact of Life (Ningishzida), the son of Enki and Enlil’s granddaughter, Ereshkigal, who would espouse a daughter of Enki and Ninhursag. Ningishzida was truly a blend of both rivaling brothers, installing an neutral ruler in the Land of Magan (aka. Land of the Shield) (8670 BCE). (Sjoberg)
Sumerians depicted Ningishzida [Egyptian: Thoth] with the emblem of Enki, entwined serpents. The Egyptians associated him with the Ankh sign and a cord measurer of the Earth, guardian of the secrets of the Giza pyramids (Tales of the Magicians). Eventhough he was an Enkite, Ningishzida was favored by Ninurta. Ningishzida was the ruler of Egypt during the peaceful period on Earth.
The Adventures of Satni-Khamois with the Mummies:
In the ancient Egyptian legend, The Adventures of Satni-Khamois with the Mummies (Thebes papyrus 3rd c.BCE), the key scene associates the number 52 with the deity Thoth. The hero of the legend was Satni, the pharaoh’s son who wandered in the necropolis of Memphis researching magic through reading temple inscriptions to become the most prominent magician in Egypt. A mysterious old man directed him to the tomb of Nenoferkheptah (r.1250 BCE), where there was a book written by Thoth containing the secrets of astronomy and the calendar. The old man warned him that eventhough Nenoferkheptah was mummified, he was alive with the power to strike down anyone attempting to take the book lodged at his feet. Undaunted, Satni searched for the hidden tomb, which was eventually discovered when uttering an incantation at the precise location of a secret trap door.
Inside the tomb, Satni saw the mummies of Nenoferkheptah, his wife, and son, and the book which emanated light as if the sun shone there. After initiating his approach towards the book, the wife warned no further advance. She continued to explain to Satni how Nenoferkheptah obtained the Thoth’s book from a secret location, where it was secured inside a series of encased boxes, a golden box within silver, (within a series) within bronze and finally within iron. After obtaining the book, Nenoferkheptah and his family were condemned to suspended animation: buried alive and mummified with the ability to see, hear, and speak. She warned that if Satni touches the book, Thoth’s curse would be upon him.
After journeying so far, Satni was not going to give up. As Satni took another step toward the book, the mummy of Nenoferkheptah spoke to reveal a way to possess the book without incurring Thoth’s curse: to play and win the Game of 52 (magic number of Thoth; number of weeks in a year when weeks are 7 days to equal 364 days in a year). Satni agreed, and gradually began to sink into the ground as a consequence of losing several games, until he managed to escape with the book. The legend continues to describe the consequences that befell Satni for taking the book, and how he returned it back to its secret hiding place.
The moral to the story: no matter how knowledgable, a human requires the divine authority of Thoth to learn the mysteries of astronomy and the calendar (ie.Earth, Sun, Moon, Planets). If a human pursues these disciplines unauthoprized, then he will lose at the Game of 52.
Establishment of Human Settlements:
With the disputes of the Anunnaki now officially resolved from the peace delegations, Enki, concerned for the fate of humanity, proposed a plan for human settlement centers to Enlil. Enlil approved, requesting the restoration of the antediluvial cities of southern Mesopotamia (Sumer). Enki accepted the restoration project on the condition that he and his sons could travel freely in Mesopotamia, and that Enki was regranted Eridu. After Enlil gracefully accepted the conditions, Enki and his sons returned to Africa.
Modified Enlilite Territories: (Barton)
Based on the plan to restore Olden Sumer, Enlil modified the allotted domains of his sons.
1) Southern Mesopotamia (Olden Sumer): Ninurta
2) Northwestern Lands extended to Baalbek (Lebanon): Adad
3) Greater Canaan (contended region) (Near East including Syria): Nannar
According to the I Sing the Song of the Mother of the Gods, Enlil wavered in allotting the command of Greater Canaan, between Ninurta, the legal heir and son by his half-sister (Sud), and Nannar, his first born son of his legal spouse (Ninlil). Giving Enlil the all-important twin grandchildren, Utu and Inanna, Nannar received the epithet, Multiplying Lord (Suen) [Akkadian/Semetic: Sin]. Sin enlisted the service of his wife, Ningal, who tried to pursuade Enlil through his wife Ninlil to make a decision from their hearts rather than their minds, to choose Nannar rather than Ninurta. Contralaterally for Ninurta, Ninhursag ineloquently appealed to Enlil with a projection of guilt for carrying his son. Misunderstanding which brother Ninhursag was calling (Enlil or Enki), Enlil became enraged and decided that the line of Sin would control the spaceport of Tilmun, hence the name Sinai. Consequently, Enlil granted the mission control center in Canaan (future Jerusalem) to Sin’s son, Utu/Shamash.
Shifting the Flight Corridor:
The City of the Supreme Place of the Four Regions (Ur Shulim) [Hebrew: Jerusalem] was given to Shamash to command. The Sumerian emblem of the four regions looked very similar to the Star of David (see fig.). Jerusalem (specifically Mount Moriah), the post-diluvial mission control center, replaced Nippur, the ante-diluvial mission control center; both sites were referred to as the Navel of the Earth, being in the center point of the Divine Grid (flight corridor).
Since the House Which was Like a Mountain, the Great Pyramid of Giza, had been deactivated by Ninurta in the aftermath of the Second Pyramid War, there was a need to reestablish the northwestern anchor of the Flight Corridor. Hence, the new Beacon City of An [Egyptian: City of Anu; Greek: Heliopolis] was established. Its association with Baalbek through the northwestern line of the Flight Corridor was made evident through the names of both sites shared the same name as places commanded by Shamash [Greek: City of the Sun god (Heliopolis); Biblical: House of the Sun god (Beth-Shemesh)].
Mount Umm Shumar:
The shift of the northwestern anchor, Giza to Heliopolis, required the shift of the southeastern anchor from Mount St. Katherine to Mount Umm Shumar (Mount of the Mother of Sumer), for the equal distance between the anchors to the center point of the flight corridor, Mount Moriah in Jerusalem.
Supply Routes and Protective Outposts:
The construction and operation of the aerospace facilities in Tilmun and Canaan required new supply routes and protective outposts. Consequently, Tilmun City (modern El Tor) was established on the eastern shore of the Red Sea to improve the sea route between Canaan and Sinai. The Old Testament states the existence of Anunnaki [Biblical: giants (Anakim)] settlements (eg.Hebron; Biblical: Kiryat Arba) in Canaan between Jerusalem and Sinai before the Israelite conquest.
Sea Way and the King’s Highway:
The sea lane to Egypt and Tilmun via the Red Sea required augmentation by a land route which could connect Mesopotamia to the spaceport in Sinai. According to Sumerian mythos, the land route existing since antediluvial times followed the Euphrates River north to the major way station of Harran. From there, the traveler had two choices: the shorter route to Egypt, the Sea Way [Roman: Via Maris], on the Mediterranean side of the Jordan River, or the more accessible route, leading to the Gulf of Eilat, the Red Sea, Arabia, Sinai, and Africa, the King’s Highway, on the east side of the Jordan. The King’s Highway could also connect to the Sea Way through several crossing places at the Jordan. The King’s Highway was also the ante-diluvian route for the African (Abzu mines) gold.
Jericho/Tell Ghassul:
Another established outpost was Jericho (c.8500 BCE; Neolithic Age) dedicated to the Moon god, Sin [Hebrew: Yeriho]. Some features of Jericho included houses built upon stone foundations, and round grain silos. It was established during the reign of Thoth in Egypt (Manetho). The most vital Jordan River crossing point, leading directly to the mission control center (Jerusalem), was at Jericho, which was established by the Anunnaki as an outpost guarding the crossing point and supplying travelers with provisions.
The mound region (modern name: Tell Ghassul) on the east side of the Jordan River regulated the crossing point near Jericho (modern name: Allenby Bridge) by maintaining vast unobstructed panoramic views. The excavations of the mound by the Vatican’s Pontifical Biblical Institute in 1929, verified that its oldest civilization was paved with bricks (c.7500 BCE; Nibiruian conjunction after Deluge), and was later occupied by advanced settlers who abruptly abandoned the site (c.4000-2000 BCE). Excavations also revealed an advanced irrigation system convincing the archaeologists that the settlers migrated from Mesopotamia. Of the three hills that formed the large mound, two appeared to have had residential function while the other was a work area.
The latter was subdivided into rectangular segments within which were built cylindrical pits with enigmatic bands of ashes. On the surface of the mound was broken gravel that appeared to have been blackened by a strong force. Amongst the artifacts found was a circular object made of fired clay shaped with precision for some technical purpose.
In the residential area, walls of the rectangular houses neatly collapsed inward as though hit by a sudden force just above ground level. The neat collapse of the walls allowed the restoration of the murals that were painted on them. One residence wall mural portrayed a row of people, two of which were seated on thrones facing another person stepping out of an object emitting rays.
Another building wall portayed an eight-pointed star within a larger eight pointed star, culminating into a burst of eight rays. The geometric design was painted with sophisticated compounds consisting of 12-18 minerals, executing black, red, white, gray, and combinations of those colors. Eventhough the eight pointed star is a symbol of the planet Venus, the celestial counterpart of the goddess Ishtar, there were no objects of worship depicting divine personality, suggesting that this residence could have been inhabited not by worshipers, but by the gods of antiquity, the Anunnaki. The yellowish-brown graffiti like depictions surrounding the eight-pointed star depict fish, birds, waves, sea dragons, and ships with eyes. In other residences, the ships with eyes were depicted larger scale as spherical shaped with two large black disks within white circles, 2-4 leg supports, and between them a protusion of a bulbous contraption.
The murals of Tell Ghassul suggest the possible location of an Anunnaki stronghold and supply depot. According to the Bible, it was from the Jordan crossing near Tell Ghassul that Elijah went aloft in a Whirlwind, and Moses went aloft after the Exodus, for he was not permitted into the Promised Land (Canaan Proper). It was via Tell Ghassul that the Israelites, under the leadership of Joshua, crossed the Jordan into the Promised Land, by backing up its flow using the technology of the Holy Ark. Before crossing, Joshua was met by an Anunnaki commander bearing a sword, who identified the zone as being restricted to men. After Joshua recognized the commander of the army of Yahweh, he was commanded to remove his shoes as a gesture of humble obeisance. The angel then informed Joshua of Yahweh’s plans to conquer Jericho. The angel instructed Joshua not to use force, but rather to circle the walls of Jericho with the Ark of the Covenant seven times (seven days). On the seventh day, his priests sounded the trumpets of rams’ horns, the people let out a great shout, as commanded, the walls of Jericho tumbled down, and the Israelites conquered the Amorites dwelling there. On Jacob’s journey from Harran to Canaan, he named the region of crossing, the Face of God (Peni-El) after wrestling with an Anunnaki until dawn.
Reconstruction of Sumer: (c.3800 BCE)
According to the Sumerians, the Great Anunnaki (the Seven Who Decree) deliberated the fate of humanity and its relationship with them prior to the reconstruction of Sumer (c. 3800 BCE), during a Nibiru conjunction with Earth (3600 years after Jericho). By the decree of the Anunnaki, the olden cities of ante-diluvian Mesopotamia were reconstructed with the plan to include humanity in its occupational society. While in ante-diluvian times humanity’s service to the Anunnaki predominantly consisted of husbandry, it now extended into other Anunnaki occupations (ie. cooks, artisans, priests, musicians, and temple prostitutes).
Deliberation at Eridu:
Eridu, the first ante-diluvian settlement on Earth, was the first city rebuilt for Enki. The site of his original abode was expanded into a temple, the House of the Lord Whose Return is Triumphant (Eengurra), which was adorned with gold, silver, and precious metals from the Abzu, and protected by the Bull of Heaven. Nippur was reestablished for Enlil and Ninlil, where a new Mountain House (Ekur) was erected, not as a mission control center as in ante-diluvian times, but as a technological arsenal. The Ekur was equipped with the Lifted Eye (radar), which probes the land, the Lifted Beam, which penetrates all, and the Fast-stepping Bird, whose grasp no one could escape.
According to the Hymn to Eridu (t.Falkenstein), a Great Anunnaki Council, led by the celestial lord Anu after his descent to Earth, deliberated at Eridu over Enlil’s complaint with Enki for withholding the Divine Formulas (information concerning over 100 aspects of civilization), which confined advancement to Eridu alone. [Archeology supports that Eridu was the oldest post-diluvial city, and the fountainhead of Sumerian civilization.] The council decreed that Enki must share the Divine Formulas to promote the advancement of Sumer as a whole.
Gift of Uruk: Celebration of Nibiru’s Appearance
After deliberations, the Anunnaki presented the celestial visitors from Nibiru a sacred precinct, between Nippur and Eridu in honor of Anu, the House of Anu (Eanna). The temple’s geographical location in Uruk [Biblical: Erech] served as a symbol of neutrality between the rivaling brothers of Enlil at Nippur and Enki at Eridu. Before returning to Nibiru, Anu and his spouse Antu were seated in the temple’s courtyard to receive a grandiose divine precession carrying the golden scepter, while goddesses prepared the divine royal visitor’s sleeping quarters in the House of Brightness (Enir), lavished in the gold from the Lower World. A sumptuous feast consisting of wine, oil, and sacrificial bull and ram, was served by Eanna priests, when the planets Jupiter, Venus, Mercury, Saturn, Mars, and the Moon were all visible in the night sky. [Parallels origin of American metallurgy: est.Tiahuanacu (sim.Uruk): new golden enclosure, sacred avenue, sacred chapels, observatory (Kalasasaya), in the heart of the New World; elaborate gold-plated enclosures of Puma-Punku (sim.Enir)].
After the first course had been served (of seven golden trays), one group of Eanna priests chanted the hymn, The Planet of Anu Rises in the Skies (Kakkab Anu etellu shamame), while another priest ascended to the top of the ziggurat to watch for the appearance of Nibiru over the horizon. At the moment of appearance, the priests sang the hymns, To the One Who Grows Bright, the Heavenly Planet of the Lord Anu, and The Creator’s Image Has Arisen, and a bonfire was ignited on an observation post which spread the news to other observation posts, until the whole land of Sumer was illuminated.
The next morning, ritual praise and blessing on behalf of Anu was given in the temple’s chapel (House of Akitu), and the celestial couple commenced their procession of departure down the Path of the Gods (through the Exalted Gate, down the Street of the Gods, arriving at the The Holy Quay, the Dike of the Ship of Anu), while those celestial visitors who remained behind sang divine blessings (7x). On the seventeenth day of their visitation on Earth, Anu and Antu departed for the spaceport (Tablet of Uruk Archives).
New Cities:
The reconstruction of the olden cities led to the establishment of new cities. The first city established was Kish, which served as the administration center of Sumer, and put under the control of Ninurta. Next established was Ur, the economic center, put under the command of Nannar.
In the Land Between the Rivers (Euphrates and Tigris), Mesopotamia [Biblical: Shinar] was the region of the first civilizations of the recorded history of men and the mythological prehistory of the gods.
Institution of Kingship: Descent of Wisdom through a Human Intermediary (3760 BCE)
According to the mythologies of the world, the original rulers of earth were deities, who passed their rulership to demigods, who in turn passed it onto men.
During the deliberation at Eridu, the Divine Council also decided that they were too lofty [Akkadian: elu; Babylonian/Assyrian/Hebrew/Ugaritic: El; Greek: God (El)] for humanity. Therefore, the Anunnaki decided to grant humanity kingship, as an intermediary institution between themselves and the masses of human civilians. According to the Sumerian King Lists and the Book of Genesis, the first royal city was Kish. The men who were appointed by Enlil to be kings were called Mighty Men (Lugal). Nimrod was the first Lugal of Shinar (Sumer), which included the cities of Babylon, Uruk, and Akkad (Genesis 10). According to the Sumerian King Lists (list of 23 kings), Kingship moved from Kish to Babylon to Uruk, while the Bible describes the royalty moving from Kish to Uruk to Ur, omitting Babylon (due to the Tower of Babel incident).
Pavillion of Heaven and the Supreme Strong Bright Weapon (Shuhadaku):
Centrally symbolic to the descent of kingship to Kish, Anu and Enlil established the Pavillion of Heaven, where in its foundation soil was implanted the artifact of the Supreme Strong Bright Weapon (Shuhadaku) [sim. Excalibur]. When the transfer of kingship was decreed by the gods, so was the Shuhadaku moved.
Beginning of the Calendar: (3760 BCE)
According to the Sumerians, the Anunnaki from Nibiru bequeathed the calendar to humanity. Because the Anunnaki designated Nibiru as the twelfth member of the solar system, the celestial band (ecliptic) was divided into twelve houses, the year into twelve months, and the number twelve became a hallowed celestial number. Since Earth was the seventh planet counting from the outside (Nibiru) in, seven became a sacred terrestrial number.
After the descent of kingship, the first calendar was derived in Nippur, in order to orient the service of humanity through the rites of festival, which observed the return of the celestial Lord, Anu, from Nibiru (the Anunnaki traveled from Nibiru to Earth when Nibiru passed between Jupiter and Mars, in close proximity to Earth). Astronomer-priests (sky watchers) derived the first calendar from the astronomical observations of the orbits (destinies) of the Sun, Earth, and Moon. The present day calendars derive from the original Nippurian calendar. The Jewish/Hebrew calendar continues this tradition which began with the descent of kingship (3760 BCE), coinciding with Anu’s return, making the Jewish year 5765 in 2005 CE.
The calendar is based on the sexagesimal mathematical system, dividing the 360° of the celestial hemisphere circle by the pantheon of twelve to derive twelve 30° sectors. The shortfall of 5.25 days was resolved through the intercalation of a periodic thirteenth month [sim.Chinese lunar calendar].
Tower of Power: Gateway of the Gods (Bab Ili); End of Peace (3450 BCE)
Soon after people resettled in the Land of Sumer [Biblical: Shinar], they built dwellings made from bricks of fired clay, held together by mortar of pitch, and a tower, whose head could reach unto the heavens. The tower was reminiscent of the dominant architectural feature of ancient Babylon, the ziggurat, or seven-stage pyramid, a launch tower for a sky chamber (shem; mu), the House Whose Head is Lofty (Esagila).
According to the Book of Genesis, and the writings of Berossus (Sayce), at one time, humanity spoke in unison. When Yahweh witnessed the capability of their accomplishment, realizing their infinite potential, he intercepted their progress (with a whirlwind) by confusing their language and dispersing their people throughout the Earth. But according to the root Akkadian version of the Sumerian tale of the Tower of Babylon found in Ashurbanipal’s library in Nineveh (Smith) (Polyhistor, c.100 BCE), humanity was only a pawn in the struggle, while the gods were the true instigators of the incident.
Various Sumerian legends allude to this event through the apparent effort of Ea to enlist men to gain control over the Nefilim space facilities, another incident within the ongoing feud between Ea and Enlil, which incidentally had been passed down to their offspring (Marduk and Ninurta). The Tower of Babylon [Akkadian: Gateway of the Gods (Bab Ili); Hebrew: Babel] incident was the result of Marduk’s congenital envy to command Babylon, through the corruption of their people to sin through the covert instigation of a magnificient building endeavor.
After Enlil learned of Marduk’s work, he appealed to his father Anu for intelligence of heart, and to Marduk’s mother, Damkina, who supported her son. Then Nunamnir [Enlil] ascended in a Whirlwind, speaking from Heaven to Earth, attempting to persuade the rebels to abort their cause, but instead they violently opposed. After failing to stop the opposing rebel gods, Enlil descended to Earth and gave the command to their counsels to confuse them, thus stopping their progress. (Second instance from the Deluge when Enlil becomes disgusted with humanity.)
Eventhough Marduk failed to prevent the transfer of kingship from Kish to Uruk and Ur, destined to be under the command of Nannar and his offspring, and to seize control over his own city, Babylon, the Tower of Babylon incident became a catalyst for a series of tragic events which ended the longest era of peace in human history.
Incarceration of Marduk: Prisoner in the Pyramid (3450-3100 BCE)
According to Mesopotamian texts, Marduk was imprisioned in the Mountain Tomb (Great Pyramid of Giza). For his attempted conspiracy to overthrow Babylon, Marduk was banished from his cult center in Babylon and Mesopotamia, and thus returned to Egypt. There in Heliopolis (An), seeking supremacy over Egypt, Marduk quickly reestablished his cult center by installing a display of celestial objects in a temple shrine (Het-Benben). (see below)
Since Thoth did not put up a struggle [after being banished, possibly chose new abode with disciples in New Realms of Mesoamerica, c.3100 BCE; Mesoamerican Long Count began 3113 BCE; sim.Mesoamerican Winged Serpent (Quetzalcoatl) (see below)], and Nergal and Gibil situated too distant from the center of power, the younger son of Enki, Dumuzi, who ruled the domain bordering Upper Egypt, was the only rival remaining. Fueling Dumuzi’s ambitions was his bride, Inanna (granddaughter of Enlil), who elevated Marduk’s suspicion and animosity.
Blessed Reunion:
During the First Pyramid War, Inanna was in Egypt, probably visiting her groom to be, Dumuzi (Stela at Edfu). Inanna had the blessings from her parents (Nannar and Ningal), and Dumuzi probably had the consent of some of his brothers and Enki, who surprised her with a gift of lapis lazuli hidden under her favorite fruit of dates (fruit of Sinai). In the abode of Nergal, Gibil fashioned a bed of gold adorned with lapis lazuli for her. During the Second Pyramid War, when the Enlilites warred with the Enkiites, Inanna was separated from Dumuzi. After the war, the couple’s ecstatic reunion became the inspiration for numerous Sumerian love songs.
Incestual Rape for an Heir:
Despite the blissful reunion, Dumuzi was unable to produce a male heir, the essential requirement for accomplishing their divine ambitions. Consequently, after following the advice of Inanna, Dumuzi attempted to seduce and have intercourse with his sister, Geshtinanna. But when she refused, he raped her, knowingly violating the sexual taboo of the Anunnaki. According to the Sumerian tablet (CT.15.28-29), Dumuzi traveled to his flocks in the desert, where he engaged in a cheerful picnic of pure food with honey, butter, and divine beer. To prepare her mind for his intentions, he copulated a lamb with its mother, and a kid with its sister, while molesting her. When the actions of Dumuzi became apparent to Geshtinanna, she screamed in protest, but it was too late.
Nightmare to an Accidental Tragedy: Demise of Dumuzi
The Sumerian text, His Heart Was Filled With Tears (Shagane Ir Imshi), relates how Dumuzi, aware of his immorality, became seized with the premonition of mortal retribution, communicated through a dream. He dreamed that his status and property were taken away by the Princely Bird (ie. Marduk), culminating to his death, seen as lying dead in the midst of his sheepfolds.
Upon awakening, he requested a dream interpretation from Geshtinanna, who described its portents as clearly unfavorable in the form of bandits ambushing and capturing him. Before Geshtinanna could finish her interpretation, Dumuzi was seized. Dumuzi then appealed to his brother-in-law, Utu, to change his hands and feet into the limbs of a gazelle, to enable his escape. Dumuzi then escaped into hiding in the dark place of Old Man Belili, who concealed his true identity (ie. Marduk). Oscillating between capture and escape, Dumuzi was ultimately captured and killed.
According to the Sumerian text, The Most Bitter Cry, mythologically composed by Inanna during lamentation, Dumuzi was awakened in the sheepfold by the Deputies of Kur, who stripped him of his divine attributes (ie. headdress, robe, staff, sandals). The seized Dumuzi managed to escape to where the desert, Home of the Snakes (Emush), met the river (Nile) at a dike (first Nile Cataract: Aswan). The swirling waters of the river did not permit Dumuzi’s passage across to the sanctuary of his mother and Inanna. Instead the waters took him to Kur.
While the Enlilite gods were assisting the escape of Dumuzi, the Deputies of Kur, in the service of his elder brother, the Enkiite Marduk, arrested and sentenced him. The Myths of Inanna and Bilulu identifies Old Man Belili as Lord Belulu (Enbilulu) in disguise, who is identified in Akkadian texts as “the god Marduk who has sinned” (il Marduk sha hattati), and the Sorrower of Inanna.
The politically motivated rape of Geshtinanna gave Marduk a legal motive to intercept Inanna’s plans for Egypt through the punishment of Dumuzi. Eventhough customary punishment was solitary exile, Dumuzi died mysteriously (seemingly accidental). Inanna vowed revenge on Marduk for causing her beloved Dumuzi’s death.
Hiding in the Mountain of Sorrow:
According to Sumerian texts and cylinder seals, Inanna, dissuaded by the other gods, then armed herself with an array of weapons and aggressively attacked Marduk, who was hiding in The Mountain, which she called the Abode of Sorrowful Calling (Ebih), the great Pyramid of Giza. Inanna then announced her penetration into the pyramid, promising self victory under the permission of her grandfather, Enlil. But Inanna refrained from destroying the pyramids when Anu intervened, warning her of Marduk’s awesome weapon that would prevent her entrance, and hence advised justice by trial.
Sealed in the Mountain Tomb:
The gods then surrounded the pyramid and addressed Marduk in his enclosure as the one who implored evil, which caused him, despite his anger, to weep tears, and ultimately abandon the pyramidal stronghold and stand trial in a nearby river temple. The court found no doubt that Marduk was responsible for Dumuzi’s death. But his sentencing posed problematic based on the mysterious death of Dumuzi. Since Marduk could not be sentenced to death without actually executing him, Inanna proposed to seal him alone without food and water inside the Great Pyramid. Hence it was decreed by the command of Heaven and Earth, that Marduk would be imprisoned in the pyramid. The arresting gods sealed Marduk into the King’s Chamber by releasing the granite plugs of the Ascending Passage, blocking tight all access to the upper chambers and passages. From the King’s Chamber, Marduk could breathe air through the channels leading to the north and south faces of the pyramid.
Death and Resurrection of Marduk: Renewal Ritual of the New Year’s Play of Mystery
The clay tablets found in Ashur and Nineveh of ancient Assyria, a script for the New Year’s Mystery Play in Babylon, reenacting the entombment and pardon of Marduk, has been compared to the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ by its translators. The script was performed as a renewal ritual play on New Year’s Day (Spring Equinox) by Babylonian priests reenacting the myth of Marduk’s entombment, liberation, and atonement (not actual death and resurrection). [sim. Taoist ritual divination of renewal]
The script begins with a messenger who informs Nabu, of his father’s entombment. Shocked by the news, Nabu immediately journeys in his chariot to the pyramid, where he was interrogated by guards. Agitated, Nabu answers that he came from Borsippa to learn of his imprisoned father’s welfare. The script then describes pandemonium and rioting in the streets due to the panic of Marduk’s people after they learned of his incarceration.
After the sister-wife of Marduk, Sarpanit, is informed by a weeping messenger that her husband had been buried alive, she goes to the pyramid to find a group of mourners who believed Marduk to be dead. Sarpanit then appeals to Nannar and Utu, two deities who could approach Inanna regarding Marduk’s incarceration. Then priests recite incantations and make offerings to Inanna’s mercy, while the high priest appeal to the supreme deity Ninurta, and Nannar, and Sin to restore Marduk.
Then Marduk announces that the supreme deity found him innocent, and will survival. According to the script, the real murderer of Dumuzi was associated some way through Sarpanit. After Nabu confirms the criminal as an associate of Marduk, his priests arrest the criminal and execute him. To atone for the sin of indirectly murdering Dumuzi, Sarpanit, wearing the Garments of Atonement, symbolically wipes up the spilled blood of Dumuzi. After the criminal is carried away in a coffin, Sarpanit washes her hands with holy water. Torches are lit in all the sacred places of Marduk, and the supremacy of Ninurta is reasserted to allay any apprehension of Marduk usurping the throne. When the appeals of supremacy succeed, Ninurta sends the divine messenger Nusku to announce blessings to all the gods. As a gesture of kindness, Ninurta’s wife, Gula, sends Sarpanit new divine attributes (ie. clothing, sandals, chariot).
Sarpanit wonders how Marduk could be liberated from a permenantly sealed pyramid. Nusku informs her that Marduk shall pass through the chiseled upper opening (Sabad), a twisting doorway shaft that the gods will bore (Well Shaft; segment C created after the completion of the Great Pyramid).
Boring a Twisting Connecting Shaft:
Familiar with the interior layout of the Pyramid, the Anunnaki formulated that the shortest and fastest way to reach starving Marduk, was to bore a 32’ connecting tunnel from Tunnel B to Tunnel D through limestone, a task that could be achieved in hours. This could be accomplished after traveling down the Descending Passage to the junction of the Inclined Passage F. There, they ascended Inclined Passage F and E to Vertical Shaft D, where they removed a granite stone covering the entrance into the grotto, just below the pyramid’s first course of masonry.
Blasting the Wedged Ramp Stone:
After achieving the connecting path to Vertical Shaft B, by boring a twisting connecting shaft, the rescuing Anunnaki continued in the short Horizontal Path A, which terminated into an immovable stone masonry wall (aka. wedged Ramp Stone). Already knowing the plan of the pyramid, the Anunnaki removed the wedged Ramp Stone with an explosive from Vertical Shaft B, and entered the Grand Gallery, gaining access to the pyramid’s upper chambers. [Blast-like characteristics are documented in Pyramidology (Rutherford). After the blast, the limestone fragments of the Ramp Stone slid down the Ascending Passage to the granite plug, and white powder covered the floor of the Grand Gallery; discovered by Al Mamoon’s men (820 CE).]
Penetrating the King’s Chamber from the Grand Gallery, the rescuers led Marduk out the way they came. The entry from the Descending Passage was resealed, to be discovered later by Al Mamoon’s men. The Ascending Passaged remained hidden by the granite plug, and a new connecting tunnel now exists. According to Mesopotamian texts, Marduk went into exile, acquiring the Egyptian epithet, the Hidden One (Amen). He reappeared to reclaim supremacy (c.2000 BCE).
God of the Moon, Magic and Writing; Thoth holding Merkaba (star-tetrahedron) while kneeling on the Eye of Ra
Thoth's other names include -Djhuty, Djehuty, Dhouti, Djehuti, Tehuty, Tehuti, Thout, Zehuti, Sheps, Lord of the Khemenu.
Thoth was the god who overcame the curse of Ra, allowing Nut to give birth to her five children, with his skill at games. It was he who helped Isis work the ritual to bring Osiris [sim.resurrection of Jesus Christ] back from the dead, and who drove the magical poison of Set from her son, Horus with the power of his magic. He was Horus' supporter during the young god's deadly battle with his uncle Set, helping Horus with his wisdom and magic. It was Thoth who brought Tefnut, who left Egypt for Nubia in a sulk after an argument with her father, back to heaven to be reunited with Ra.
Tefnut, the Eye of Ra, became estranged from her father and fled into Nubia, taking all of her precious water with her. In this land, she transformed herself into a lioness. She raged through the countryside, emitting flames from her eyes and nostrils. Viciously, she drank the blood and fed on the flesh of both animals and humans [sim.Hindu: Durga/Kali].
As time went on, Ra missed his Eye, and longed to see her again - Egypt had dried, and the land was in chaos. He summoned Shu to him, along with Thoth, who was the messenger of the gods and famous for his eloquence. Ra issued the command that Shu and Thoth must go to Nubia and bring back his recalcitrant daughter.
Before they set off on their journey Shu and Thoth disguised themselves as baboons. The baboon is an animal sacred to Thoth. Eventually, Thoth and Shu found Tefnut in Begum. Thoth began at once to try and persuade her to return to Egypt. Tefnut, however, wasn't interested. She liked hunting in the desert and was perfectly happy where she was.
He was sometimes depicted with the face of a dog-headed baboon [sim. Hindu: Hanuman] and the body of a man or, again, as a full dog-headed baboon. The ibis, it is thought, had a crescent shaped beak, linking the bird to the moon. The dog-headed baboon, on the other hand, was a night animal that was seen by the Egyptians who would greet the sun with chattering noises each morning just as Thoth, the moon god, would greet Ra, the sun god, as he rose. [Baboon - symbol of evolution of the human experiment in time.]
Thoth would not give up though, and wove stories to depict to her how gloom had descended upon Egypt since she had left. The people of Egypt would do anything for her if she'd just return home. Ultimately, wooed by Thoth's promises, Tefnut relented and returned to Egypt accompanied by the two baboons.
All the way there, Thoth kept her entertained with stories. Tefnut made a triumphant entry back into the homeland, accompanied by a host of Nubian musicians, dancers and baboons. She went from city to city, bringing back moisture and water, amid great rejoicing, until finally she was reunited with her father, and restored to her rightful position as his Eye.
When Ra retired from the earth, he appointed Thoth and told him of his desire to create a Light-soul in the Duat and in the Land of the Caves, and it was over this region that the sun god appointed Thoth to rule, ordering him to keep a register of those who were there, and to mete out just punishments to them. Thoth became the representation of Ra in the afterlife, seen at the judgment of the dead in the 'Halls of the Double Ma'at'.
The magical powers of Thoth were so great, that the Egyptians had tales of a 'Book of Thoth', which would allow a person who read the sacred book to become the most powerful magician in the world. The Book which "the god of wisdom wrote with his own hand" was, though, a deadly book that brought nothing but pain and tragedy to those that read it, despite finding out about the "secrets of the gods themselves" and "all that is hidden in the stars".
In art, Thoth was usually depicted with the head of an ibis, deriving from his name, and the curve of the ibis' beak, which resembles the crescent moon. Thoth the Scribe, wrote the story of our reality then placed it into grids for us to experience and learn through the alchemy of time and consciousness.
Thoth became credited by the ancient Egyptians as the inventor of writing, and was also considered to have been the scribe of the underworld, and the moon became occasionally considered a separate entity, now that Thoth had less association with it, and more with wisdom. For this reason Thoth was universally worshipped by ancient Egyptian Scribes.
Also, he became credited as the inventor of the 365-day (rather than 360-day) calendar [sim.cross-cultural research on 705 CE], it being said that he had won the extra 5 days by gambling with the moon, then known as Iabet, in a game of dice, for 1/72nd of its light (5 = 360/72).
When the Ennead and Ogdoad systems started to merge, one result was that, for a time, Horus was considered a sibling of Isis, Osiris, Set, and Nephthys, and so it was said that Hathor/Nut had been cursed against having children during the (360) day year, but was able to have these five over the 5 extra days won by Thoth.
Thoth and Seshat:
Divine Scribes
Thoth was thought to be scribe to the gods, who kept a great library of scrolls, over which one of his wives, Seshat (the goddess of writing) [sim.Hindu: Patron of Scribes (Saraswati)] was thought to be mistress. He was associated by the Egyptians with speech, literature, arts, learning. He, too, was a measurer and recorder of time, as was Seshat. Many ancient Egyptians believed that Seshat invented writing, while Thoth taught writing to humanity. She was known as 'Mistress of the House of Books', indicating that she also took care of Thoth's library of spells and scrolls.
Seshat is the Goddess of Libraries, all forms of Writing and the Measurement of Time.
Thoth and Ma'at
Believed to be the author of the spells in the Book of the Dead, he was a helper (and punisher) of the deceased as they try to enter the underworld [sim.Chinese: Lord of Destiny (Siming)]. In this role, his wife was Ma'at, the personification of order, who was weighed against the heart of the dead to see if they followed Ma'at during their life.
Cult Center: Hermopolis
During the late period of Egyptian history a cult of Thoth gained prominence, due to its main centre, Khnum (Hermopolis Magna), in Upper Egypt also becoming the capital, and millions of dead ibis were mummified and buried in his honor. The rise of his cult also lead to his cult seeking to adjust mythology to give Thoth a greater role, including varying the Ogdoad cosmogony myth so that it is Thoth who gives birth to Ra/Atum/Nefertum/Khepri, as a result of laying, as an ibis, an egg containing him. Later it was said that this was done in the form of a goose - literally as a goose laying a golden egg. The sound of his song was thought to have created four frog gods and snake goddesses of the Ogdoad who continued Thoth's song, helping the sun journey across the sky.
Thoth was inserted in many tales as the wise counsel and persuader, and his association with learning, and measurement, lead him to be connected with Seshat, the earlier deification of wisdom, who became said to be his daughter, or variably his wife. Thoth's qualities also lead to him being identified by the Greeks with their closest matching god - Hermes, with whom Thoth was eventually combined (Thothmes), as Hermes Trismegistus also leading to the Greeks naming Thoth's cult centre as Hermopolis, meaning city of Hermes.
Thoth was the 'One who Made Calculations Concerning the Heavens, the Stars and the Earth', the 'Reckoner of Times and of Seasons', the one who 'Measured out the Heavens and Planned the Earth' [sim.Chinese: Counter of Years (Taisui); Chinese name for Jupiter]. He was 'He who Balances', the 'God of the Equilibrium' and 'Master of the Balance'. 'The Lord of the Divine Body', 'Scribe of the Company of the Gods', the 'Voice of Ra', the 'Author of Every Work on Every Branch of Knowledge, Both Human and Divine', he who understood 'all that is hidden under the heavenly vault'. Thoth was not just a scribe and friend to the gods, but central to order - Ma'at - both in Egypt and in the Duat. He was 'He who Reckons the Heavens, the Counter of the Stars and the Measurer of the Earth'.
There is an Egyptian pharaoh of the Sixteenth dynasty of Egypt named Djehuty (Thoth) after him, and who reigned for three years.
Master of Astronomy: Geomancy
Reality is myth, math, and metaphor. It is a consciousness computer experiment in time and illusion created by thought consciousness. The name Thoth means 'Thought' and 'Time'. Thoth was the master architect who created the blueprint of our reality based on the patterns of sacred geometry or 12 around 1. The program follows binary code 1010101 [ON OFF ON OFF - Matter Anti-Matter] and repeats in cycles called time.
It is here - in the duality - duat - underworld - chaos - void - place of creation 'outside the box' of our experience - reflected in gods and goddesses, the landscapes of Egypt including the pyramids and temples - that we experience until we evolve in the alchemy of time and consciousness.
Thoth created a grid program of experience - electromagnetic in nature to allow for the bipolar aspects of linear time and illusion. In so doing, we go to 3 [3D physical/spatial reality] and 4 [time]. Thoth constructed a pyramidal shaped vehicle which personifies the nature of reality. He placed half above - "As is Above" in the nonphysical and half below "As is Below" thus creating the sands of time - the hourglass - the X Box - at the center of the planet where it all began and will all evolve at Zero Point - a time or place of balance.
Thoth was the 'god of the equilibrium' and considered depictions of him as the 'Master of the Balance' to indicate that he was associated with the precession of the equinoxes (ie.26,000 year precession period of 12 zodiac ages, consisting of 2150 years each)- a time when the day and the night were balanced.
Thoth played a crucial role in the design and orientation of many famous pyramids, temples and ziggurats.
According to a very old Masonic tradition, the Egyptian god Thoth had played a major part in preserving knowledge of the mason craft and transmitting it to mankind after the flood. Our reality is a Masonic Program [mother sound - creation by harmonics]
Secret Knowledge: Teachings of Thoth
It is written in several ancient texts that Thoth wrote a major work of scriptural importance that would one day be found (ie.'Book of Thoth'). Thoth allegedly wrote books in which he set forth fabulous knowledge of magic and incantation then concealed them in a tomb/womb.
Thoth and Secret Knowledge
as Hermes who was
Merlin and the
The Trickster
Thoth as Hermes in ancient Greece complied the Hermetic Text referred to him as Kore Kosmu. What he knew, he carved on stone (metaphor of physical plane) then hid most of the information. The sacred symbols of the cosmic elements he hid away using the secrets of Osiris, keeping and maintaining silence, that younger ages of the cosmic time clock might seek them out. Thoth was said to have succeeded in understanding the mysteries of the heavens and to have revealed them by inscribing them in sacred books which he then hid here on Earth, intending that they should be searched for by future generations but found by those of the bloodline.
Some of these sacred books are referred to as the 42 Books of Instructions or the 42 Books of Thoth (3rd century BCE- 1st century CE) which describe the instructions for achieving immortality plus 2 more books kept separately. Their influence has been tremendous on the development of Western occultism and magic. Neo-pagan witchcraft contains many rituals and much esoteric symbolism based upon Hermetic writings.
According to one legend Hermes Trismegistus, who was a grandson of Adam (see also 'Enoch' above) and a builder of the Egyptian pyramids, authored the books. But, more probably the books were written by several succeeding persons. According to legend, the books were initially written on papyrus.
A chronicler of pagan lore, Clement of Alexandria, stated thirty-six [36] of the Hermetic books contained the entire Egyptian philosophy; four [4] books on astrology; ten [10] books called the Hieratic on law, ten [10] books on sacred rites and observances, two [2] on music, and the rest on writing, cosmography, geography, mathematics and measures and training of priests. Six [6] remaining books concerned medicine and the body discussing diseases, instruments, the eyes and women. Most of the Hermetic books - along with others - were lost during the burning of the royal libraries in Alexandria. The surviving books were secretly buried in the desert where they are presently located. A few initiates of the mystery schools, ancient secret cults, allegedly know their location. What remains of the surviving Hermetic lore has been passed down through generation and published in many languages.
Most important of all are three works:
The most important and oldest is The Divine Pynander. It consists on 17 fragments all in one work. Within these fragments are many of the Hermetic concepts, including the was divine wisdom and the secrets of the universe were revealed to Hermes and the way in which Hermes established his ministry to spread this wisdom throughout the world. The Divine Pynander apparently was revised during the first centuries AD but lost some of its meaning due to incorrect translations.
Poimmandres or The Vision is the second book of The Divine Pynander and perhaps the most famous. It relates Hermes' mystical vision, cosmogony, and the secret sciences of the Egyptians as to culture and the spiritual development of the soul.
The third work - Hermes Trismegistus is the wisdom of the Hermetica - Emerald Tablets.